Psychadelics open gateway to hell for me! I need help!

Discussion in 'LSD - Acid Trips' started by unholytripper, Sep 17, 2013.

  1. Hoppípolla

    Hoppípolla Senior Member

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    You may be getting natural mixed up with supernatural here...

    The things you are taking are chemicals. They are not supernatural, are they?
  2. MeatyMushroom

    MeatyMushroom Juggle Tings Proppuh

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    They induce some form of the natural that can only be called super :D
  3. Hoppípolla

    Hoppípolla Senior Member

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    erm... it's probably just natural though lol

    I mean like, calling DMT a "spirit molecule"... no... it's a chemical haha :)
  4. MeatyMushroom

    MeatyMushroom Juggle Tings Proppuh

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    What is life without a sprinkling of eccentricity every now and then? :sunny:
  5. Hoppípolla

    Hoppípolla Senior Member

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    hahaha fair play ^_^
  6. upperlevel

    upperlevel Member

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    There is such a thing as overthinking things. And there is also such a thing as a mindset that is not conducive to psychedelic tripping.

    I will reinforce what some others have, learn yourself and don't interpret everything as some kind of cosmic event.
  7. Ol' Zeus

    Ol' Zeus Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    It seems to me that you are having a battle of religious dogma vs the enlightenment of LSD.
    1 person likes this.
  8. tastyweat

    tastyweat Member

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    Heaven or hell are states of perception.

    Hell does not truly exist, it is only what we form out of our own fears / doubts / insecurities / worries / etc

    What you have seen will have been there to teach you - I'm sure of that :)

    Be careful considering colours good/bad... there is no bad colour and that includes black.

    The only thing to consider darker is a form of gray haze - even then - that is only a distortion of the colour.

    LSD experiences create a form of self-reflection. Search for the meaning behind what you saw and the illusion will dissipate, realise it is illusion and it will dissipate.

    Finally, realise you have the power to change anything and everything you experience in a trip if you truly want to - if you do not like something - change it! :)

    Hope you feel better about your experience soon :)

    If you figure nothing more from it, perhaps see it as a session that was working on clearing some of you in-built fears.

    You are not going to hell - no one is going to hell - it is not a place anyone is ever condemned to - that is not what love does. The idea of being punished by an eternity in hell is something that was drummed up by the control systems which are dogmatic organised religions... or organised crime as they have now become.

    Religions themselves aren't inherently bad, but the control system the organisations have been twisted into does not work toward personal enlightenment ;)
  9. PottleMcBud

    PottleMcBud Guest

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    HAHA omg i dont meant to laugh but this seems so crazy! Im sorry you had to go through that. How are your acid trips now?
  10. unholytripper

    unholytripper Guest

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    Still haven't tripped again yet. Planning on doing a light mushroom trip with a few friends at a Christmas light show here in Austin. We'll see what happens.

    I must say smoking weed has inevitably been bringing my thoughts back to the LSD trip, especially if I go a few days without smoking and lose tolerance. It's completely unintentional and has not failed to bring back those memories a single time I've gotten stoned for the last four months. At times I've even begun to feel overwhelmed with fear and have had my heart begin to race. I remember being younger and first beginning to smoke and my mind would wander off into hysterical directions. I used to be able to think of hilarious jokes and instances that would set myself and those around me on fire with laughter. Now all I can seem to think of is... well, fire.

    Although lately my thoughts have begun shifting in a more positive direction. In the past couple of months one of the visions has slowly begun to resurface. It was a vision of my dad and four brothers in some kind of chariot flying through the air seeming to be on their way up to heaven. The chariot was a sort of alteration on my dad's past truck, one he had painted up with political writings of ideas such as ending war, executions, and marijuana prohibition along with a most notable large peace sign on the hood. My dad seemed to be swirling a golden rope over his head, perhaps a lasso, while my brothers seemed to be cheering at me. They appeared to be in their "heavenly bodies" and the beauty of the truck/chariot and my family members riding in it was beyond description. I'm not sure if my dad threw the rope or what exactly happened, but this seemed to be the moment when I was brought back into a conscious state before running mindlessly into the stagnant creek. I remember initially thinking that I had just watched my family ride off to heaven without me, leaving me there alone in hell. However, a couple hours later I would find out that I was not actually in hell about the time I stepped into the back seat of a cop car. At that point I was completely puzzled as to what went on but understood whatever went on was extremely profound. Only in the last four months of a couple mushroom experiences and many bong rips have I slowly pieced the memory back together and it now appears that there is light at the end of the tunnel or that there may be. I first had no idea what the rope was about or why my dad was swirling it but after looking back now, I think my dad was aiming to reach me in hell as to pull me out, and my brothers were there cheering me on to grab hold. Perhaps on the day I die I will find out if I grab hold or...

    As I'm writing this down I'm also beginning to remember a sort of voice that communicated with me in the time of my reentry into this realm. It seemed to communicate something along the lines of "Your picture is not as bad as some. You have a long way to go and many more choices to make in determining your final picture." I use the word picture to describe something I cannot presently consciously comprehend. Heaven or hell may fit the bill, but I think that would be oversimplifying things. Some things we just have to wait to fully understand. It seems to me that Terence McKenna was right when he said "This counts, somehow it matters." I think that each choice we make in our lives has a real impact, weather positive or negative, on the "picture" we experience on the other side.

    With all this said there's still plenty more mystery surrounding that infamous LSD trip. In fact it seems the more I start to remember, the more I realize there is that I can't remember, not just mentally, but consciously. And I have begun to have an eerie feeling that I was gone for a long time that day, or no time at all. It's a strange feeling.

    I would definitely say the trip did not end after the LSD wore off that day. There has not been a day of my life, perhaps not even an hour that I have not spent thinking about what happened and what it is all supposed to mean since then. More and more is coming back to me and I'll keep posting as my story progresses. Any feedback is appreciated.
  11. tastyweat

    tastyweat Member

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    Our lives form a picture... we are living artwork, a cosmic canvas - we will see the final picture of our lives when we finish them... there is no condemning people anywhere, so don't consider that and remember people/beings speak from their own perspective in a way they hope you can understand. But perception is important... picture literally means picture here :)

    What matters is how our energy is directed... what we do here is important, but it does not end in condemnation.

    It will make sense when it needs to, you can trust that :)

    I've been through something similar... not quite such a vivid depiction of hell though, I reached an understanding of what it really is through watching others and aiding them before experiencing more of my own. There's been some fear which puts you in fears, it's not fully about shedding fear, it's more about learning which are actually relavent compared to what we have been taught. True bravery is overcoming the fear, not shedding it entirely. We are somewhat mortal in this realm and it wouldn't be too successful if we all shed everything - we only get that when we pass on.

    Never let the fear control you, realise it is illusory - see it as a challenge for you to overcome.

    All pits have ladders for you to escape for yourself, the challenge is only to find it. sure it's a challenge for you, sometimes that challenge can simply be to ask for help :)

    In the grand scheme of things, you have absolutely nothing to fear. Love is waiting behind it, waiting for you to make your way through :)

    Search for the lesson, feel it - truly feel it, then let it go and you will move on.
  12. lizzV

    lizzV Members

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    I had a very very very similar experience. I would really like to talk to you about it. Everything you wrote seriously sent chills down my spine because I've searched everywhere if someone has had this happened to them and I found you...
  13. lizzV

    lizzV Members

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    Hey I read your experience, and honestly I had the exact same experience twice on psychedelics. I felt as though I opened a portal to hell. and entities were speaking to me through these portals. I felt as though they were downloading information from me, this static almost buzzing sound. I get flashes from the time I have tripped randomly and the feeling of fear takes over my whole body, It is the worst feeling I have ever felt. Like an eternity of hell awaits me no matter what I do. My mind also compartmentalized my thoughts, I remember very little only certain things but like I said im getting flashes and remembering. Every time I talk to someone about it they tell me that it was the drug it wasnt real. And part of me believes that but at the same time, it was an experience, and that makes it real for me. And the fact that you went through literally the same thing...same fucken thing. I would love to talk to you about it more. maybe there are things you can help me with.or vice versa.
  14. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Please see my post # 18. And: " it was the drug--it wasn't real." Oh, it was real, alright. The totality of the experiences came from EVERYTHING that you have stored in your subconscious, whether you know it or not. No one else had these experiences--YOU did. See what I mean? Therefore , it is up to you and you alone to make sense of and use what
    you can about your trips for your edification.That's not to say that you should not ask others -----but it MUST BE YOU that makes the decision about meaning.

    Or , do another hit with a SEASONED guide to attempt some clarity.
  15. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    You know this thread is from 2013, right?
  16. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I noticed. Poor guy is probably one of Osteens choir boys these days.
  17. yoni42

    yoni42 Guest

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    I think that the bad trip wasn't bad but a good trip.
    the snake for me describe reallity, and its your mind that tells you that it is only a trip and not reallity.
    all the illusions that you had on the "good trip" was acctually fake and not real.
    thats why you had the bad trip...
  18. unholytripper

    unholytripper Guest

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    I was just going back through this old post of mine and I am really curious what sort of common threads we may share in our experience. It has been over for years for me now and so much has evolved in my life and consciousness. So, so much, including more and more flash backs. It is truly crazy to look back and see how much progress I have made but I know I still have the rest of my life to go. I see it has been a good while since you reached out but if you find yourself checking back in here, let me know. I will stay tuned in from time to time and would like to discuss with you as well.

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