Prove to me the bible is real...

Discussion in 'Christianity' started by Amanda N, Jan 18, 2005.

  1. Amanda N

    Amanda N Member

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    Tell me something, mr campbell34, if the bible is so clear cut and easy to understand... and truly does contain all these prophecies... why are you the only person that believes in them?

    Why have religious experts in orginisations such as the church of endland and the vatican, turned around and admitted that the bible is not the direct word of god, like they once believed, but are now admitting it's more like just good advice.
  2. paulfreespirit

    paulfreespirit Senior Member

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    . firstly amanda he is not the only person to believe in them . i cannot believe you have made such a stupid statement as that .can i ask what colour is the sky on your planet? .to answer your second question the church of england etc etc are corrupted . as you say admitting "i would say they have sold out " churches are corrupt" lining their own pockets. this does not mean the bible is not the direct word of god ( could the bible have been tampered with also by man? ). for someone who says she is ignoring christians "then starts a thread to rip into them " you really need to get a life . i think maybe you could be a closet christian (wanting to come out). ?. / peace /
  3. BlackGuardXIII

    BlackGuardXIII fera festiva

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    You said your point well enough that I understood what you meant, and thats all that matters. I dont care too much about spelling, grammar, etc., as long as I get the point. I just posted my slightly different version to see if I was right that that was what you meant. See, you did get your point across.

    Faith and Love..........Trust and Hope........that is what the world needs, not a new plasma weapon or missile defense.
  4. Epiphany

    Epiphany Copacetic

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    The Bible is not clear cut and easy to understand. I would never advise for an unbeliever who does not know God and is not filled with his Spirit to simply pick up the word and start reading. If the Bible was clear cut and easy, everyone who believed in it would be saved.

    For one, there is no such thing as a, "religious expert." Ahh, I retract that statement, there are, "religious experts". However, religion and faith are not the same thing. They have no sense of Christ. They do not possess his Spirit. They are claiming that the Bible is nothing more than a cookie cutter staple simply based on the fact that they are nothing more than false prophets masquereding as light. It is true, half of the churches in this world are corrupt and sold out.

    I can and have pointed out several Catholic beliefs that are not Apostolic (meaning, "of the apostles"), as they claim to be, and several beliefs that Catholics do not hold that Peter and the rest of the apostles taught. I am sure my family will be thrilled to know that you are pulling for them though.

    Actually, Jesus said, "Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again" (John 3:7). I can trace my, "demonination", back to Christ because the teachings I follow are his. From Old Testament to New.

    My good Lord in Heaven is it frightening how many people are being deceived by false prophets that come dressed as angels.
  5. campbell34

    campbell34 Banned

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    I can tell, you know nothing about the Bible. I get tired of these have baked critics that talk about how vague the prophecies of the Bible are. When I was 14 years old I read my bible, and could clearly pick out and understand many of the prophecies. The Bible proves itself by it's fulfilled prophecies. The prophecies concerning Christ first coming cannot be applied just to any event, because there was only a small window in time that would allow for their fulfillment. What Christians believed about Christ second coming can be seen in the prophecies and the writings of James Grant who was a Bible scholar back in 1866, and he wrote. "The personal coming of Christ, to establish His millennial reign on earth, will not take place until the Jews are restored to their own land, and the enemies of Christ and the Jews have gathered together their armies from all parts of the world, and have commenced the siege of Jerusalem... now the return of the Jews to the Holy Land, and the mustering and marshalling of these mighty armies, with a view to capturing Jerusalem, must require a considerable time yet. (THIS WAS WRITTEN EIGHTY-TWO YEARS BEFORE ISRAEL WAS MADE A NATION)
    The certainty of Israel's physical rebirth as a nation and restoration to Palestine was seen by Dr. John Cumming in 1864. Thumb through his fascinating old book, over a hundred years old, and you'll read; "How come it to pass that as a nation they have been dispersed over every land, yet insulated, separated, and alone amid the nations? The predictions of their restoration are in words as definite only not yet fulfilled. As a nation they were cut off and dispersed, and it is as a nation that they shall be gathered and restored.
    These men knew the Bible and because of this they knew the future of the Jews, and what would happen in Israel. Try telling them the prophecies are vague. It was Jesus Christ who said that unless you are Born Again you will not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. The splintered faction you talk about, was started by Jesus Christ. I don't belong to a denomination, I belong to Christ. God defies human logic, and that is why these ministers could speak with authority about the return of the Jews in the last days. The Bible knows the future before it happens. The Bible even knew that the East Gate in Jerusalem would be sealed up until Jesus Christ would return and open it Himself. The East gate remains sealed today, just as the Bible said it would. The Bible is not vague at all.
  6. campbell34

    campbell34 Banned

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    Well Jerusalem had their experts also, but when God came to their city they put Him on the cross just as the Bible said they would. Jesus said that when He would return to this world, would their be any faith left on this earth? He asked that question because Christ knew, that faith in Christ would be replaced by religious experts, who know nothing. Jesus was never impressed by religion, but rather by a mans simple faith. It was Jesus who said, that unless we humble ourselves like little children, we shall not see the Kingdom of God. Many of the churches I see today are more social programs than places of truth and worship. It should be no surprise that many of the churches have turned from the bible. The Bible states that in the end, men will not endure sound doctrine, but will turn away from the truth.
  7. HuckFinn

    HuckFinn Senior Member

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  8. campbell34

    campbell34 Banned

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    The Bible clearly teaches in the Old and the New Testaments that God will call the Jews back to their own land. To dismiss this teaching is to dismiss many of the scriptures. This belief did not come about in the 1800's but was spoke of even in 1669, which can be found in a book called Increase Mather. The author of the book clearly taught that before the Jews spiritual conversion, they would first have to return to Palestine. God is doing this because He wants the nations of the world to attack Israel. It will be during this attack that God will shake the earth and destroy those who will attempt this. After this event the Jews will know who Jesus Christ is which will fulfill another prophecy which states that all of Israel will be saved. I don"t need experts to tell me what I should believe, I only need the Word of God which is for more reliable. If you want to know the future of Israel, read Ezk. chapters 37, 38 and 39. Remember, it was the religious experts of that day, that put Christ on the cross.
  9. HuckFinn

    HuckFinn Senior Member

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  10. campbell34

    campbell34 Banned

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    Before the second coming of Christ the PLO and Israel will be at peace. Israel will then build their third temple with the blessings of their neighbors. While there is peace in Israel, the sounds of war will be coming to America. The Bible clearly states this. Threats of war will be heard from Russia and her allies. From the time these threats of war against America begin, America will only have two years left before her destruction. The Bible states that all of our cities will burn, and that are nation will come to her end in one hours time. They might be right about Bush, He may be the man that brings about the fulfillment of these prophecies. Yet, if it were not Bush, God would provide another. The Bible also states that before America is attacked we will have another Cival War in our country. It will be when there is a break down in our government when the attack occures. Their is much more to be said about this.
  11. Amanda N

    Amanda N Member

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    where exactly does it say this? and why do no other "religious experts" also agree with this?
  12. Epiphany

    Epiphany Copacetic

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    In order for a third temple to be built, the conflict between Israel and Palestine has to be resolved. Israel must first be granted it's landrights that God coveted to Abraham. When the temple is built, the final seven years begin. The temple spoken of in Daniel 9:27 is the third temple.

    In Ezekiel 38, it is prophecized that the, "chief prince of Meschech", also referred to as Gog and Magog, will lead the invasion of Israel at the Battle of Armageddon. Webster's Third International Dictionary defines Meschech as the word of Moscovi or Moscow. Of course, Moscow is the captial of Russia.

    The invasion of Israel described in Ezekiel 38-39 is the battle of Armageddon since the, "great supper of our God", is described as occuring in both the God-Magog war (Ezekiel 39:17-20). and at Armageddon (Revelation19:17-20).

    Revelation13:1-2, describes the four, "beasts". The four beats are countries. The bear (which is Russia's symbol), is the feet of the world government (in Revelation). Therefore, Russia will be an intergral part of the one world system of the antichrist. Russia has also recently boasted that they have developed ballistic missile technology that can outwit any defensive system on earth. Clearly a challenge to the United State's planned $50 billion anti-missle shield.

    In Matthew 24:15-21, Jesus stated that Judea would experience the tribulation, "such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be."

    History teaches us that in times of global upheaval, developments that were previously thought to be impossible, suddenly become possible, such as the agreement between Israel and Palestine.

    "Religious experts", are not aware because they do not possess any actual knowledge of the Lord. It is given to us in the Bible, however, without his Spirit, deciphering will not occur. Such as these so called experts.
  13. northernlehigh97

    northernlehigh97 Senior Member

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    First, the Bible was written by about 40 different human writers who lived over a period of about 1500 years, 50 generations. Many of these writers had no opportunity to collaborate with each other and yet, there are no contradictions in their writings. Like no other book, the writers all agreed on such themes as morality, which certainly has changed drastically in a few generations in our society, husband and wife relationships, which have been altered in a single generation, the character of God, the way of salvation and the birth, life, death and resurrection of the Savour of mankind, in minute details.
    Second, where the Bible speaks on scientific subjects, it is accurate centuries ahead of its time.
    Third, proof of the miracle of the Bible, and thus proof there is a God Who is the author of the Bible, is prophecy. For example, would anyone care to select a large metropolitan area and predict in advance, and in detail, how that city will be destroyed? The Bible did, and not with just one city, but many.
    Fourth, evidence that proves the Bible to be the word of God is one which every person may test for themselves. The Bible simply works. The Biblical instructions on husband and wife relationships and order in the home are today contrary to popular belief, but when obeyed the home is abundantly blessed. The same may be said on all of the subjects on which the Bible speaks, including salvation and forgiveness of sins. For one who has come to Christ and experienced the personal relationship between God and themselves, no additional proofs of the Bible are needed.
  14. Quetzalcoatl

    Quetzalcoatl Banned

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    I havent made it through every post here but one or two problems I see:

    The original poster asks the wrong question "Prove it"
    The real question is "prove it beyond a reasonable doubt"

    Thats the standard accepted by most every civilisation, scientist and philosopher in all human history.
    Mainly because that is, ultimately the best we can hope for.

    The problem - The original poster (amandaN) does not seem to know much about the topic she claims to have made conclusions about.

    If you enter the halls of historians, critics and archaeologist and the like - you would find it nearly impossible to find just an Atheist, Muslim, Christian or otherwise who would deny the actual existance of a real man called Jesus.

    Saying you dont even believe a real historical person, Jesus is like openly admitting you never really studied this topic at all imo.

    Ok.. but here is my greatest concern - There are quite a number of Christians who decided to respond to her question (granted hers was not a sincere or well thought out question).

    Almost NONE of the Christians offered any links, suggestions, info or books on the actual historical, objective or tangible evidence the Bible is a reliable and trustworthy document!?!

    Many Skeptics (like amanda) will rightfully assume there is no historical evidence simply because there is none presented.
    (although they should LOOK for themselves too if they are really interested)

    For example:

    - The events recorded in the Gospels, Acts and even the Epistles are clearly and carefully set in well-known and specific historical time-frames.
    An example - Quirinias' Cencus is reported happening at such a time.

    Having nothing to do with Christianity - scholars and archaeologists can confirm there was indeed Cencus taken, that Quirinius was a real historical figure and even more interesting... finding out that he was indeed 'governing' regions but not the Governor of that region.
    (accurately.. the bible passage says 'governing at the time' and doesnt call him governor official)

    Does that 'prove' the virgin birth?

    No.. but its some evidence the Bible is recording real historical events, which could be falsified.

    Luke made references to 32 countries, 54 cities, and 9 islands.

    Its not just that - It references to Rulers, Governors, Kings etc.

    It has many references to place names too.. and why is that interesting?
    Occasionally (and sometimes frequently) these place names changed.

    The Garden of Gethsemane is just one example where a place name is used and could have easily been gotten wrong by a writer not precisely familiar with that exact time period.

    I will say this - I could understand someone having trouble with this issue 100 years ago or more - but the last 100... and especially the last 20 have discovered no end of archaological and historical evidence.

    Over and over again, from cities like Nazareth, to new knowledge about Roman execution methods, to unearthed fragments, to early churches being unearthed... we see that the names, places, dates, clothing, traditions, knowledge, buildings, vessels, animals, farming methods described in the Bible are perfectly accurate.

    When you start to understand 'beyond a reasonable doubt' the book is a reliable historic document, written about a real time in a real place with accurate descriptions of real events - you do have to give the accounts of Jesus some credibility, at the very least.

    Lets see more evidence for the faith that lies within us Christians!?

    Remember, we are different in that we have faith in things not yet seen BASED ON THINGS WE HAVE AND CAN SEE.
  15. Soulless||Chaos

    Soulless||Chaos SelfInducedExistence

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    Faith without proof is ignorance.
  16. Epiphany

    Epiphany Copacetic

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    I offered a link... I don't think it was taken into account though

    I have faith and proof. I am not the kind of person who believes in what is said unless I can see it for myself.
  17. Quetzalcoatl

    Quetzalcoatl Banned

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    Prove it?

    But seriously, that was one of the most deliberately ignorant posts in this thread yet.

    Without a doubt, you and I spend almost every moment of our life putting faith into all things.
    The possibility we will breathe again in 3 seconds.
    That our jobs will give us a paycheque.

    You can NOT prove your workplace is putting that cheque in your bank next friday.
    Not at all.

    However... they have 25 times in a row, they say they will do it again and you have not seen any good reason to believe they are planning otherwise.

    You have faith they will (thats why you havent notified your landlord of you moving dates, cancelled your car payments or unplugged the refrigerator)

    So, are you ignorant?

    For that matter - you can definatley not prove to me that you EVER had a paycheque for your work.
    You could even show me a bank receipt - but how do I know for an absolute fact you didnt have your bank make one up?
    Maybe they mistranslated the computers information?
    You cant actually PROVE it?

    I digress.. the fact is, Faith (Trust) in things not yet seen is anything but ignorant IF its based on evidence beyond a reasonable doubt (25 previous ones, promises in writing and eye-witness testimony from the payroll dept)
  18. Soulless||Chaos

    Soulless||Chaos SelfInducedExistence

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    But if you're the only one who sees it, is it really proof?
  19. Quetzalcoatl

    Quetzalcoatl Banned

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    It is to you.

    Is it not?
  20. Soulless||Chaos

    Soulless||Chaos SelfInducedExistence

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    Okay, so faith without proof, or high probability, is ignorance.
    How was my post ignorant?
    Care to explain?
    Believing something to be true, without any basis that it may be, is rather ignorant, saying such doesn't seem so.
    As far as breathing and a getting paid, I don't put too much faith into it. I may continue, or I may not. :rolleyes:
    Anyway, how is faith in christianity or god based on evidence beyond a reasonable doubt?
    The religion is based on things that simply are not provable, and must be taken completely on faith, and are therefore ignorant.

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