I had prostate surgery and now I can't get hard enough for sex. I was wondering if any other men that had this surgery have been able to get an erection? And how long it took after surgery
A friend of mine whom I occasionally play with had the surgery. His doctors put him immediately on a regiment of Cialis. Within about 3 months he was able to perform again. It's now been about 1.5 years and he has a pretty normal sex life with his wife and occasionally me. He does Cialis still 3 times a week.
Was it nerve sparing robotic surgery? If so, there's a reasonable chance function may return. Age comes into it and nerves take a long time to recover. I needed a pump and ring at first. After a year, I managed with just Sildenafil/Viagra. The most important factor for me was having an understanding partner. My expectations were very low so I am delighted with the outcome.
I recently underwent a Rezum procedure. The first couple of weeks post-op were absolutely heinous (recovery's about 6 weeks), but full function returned, especially after stopping some meds known to promote sexual disfunction (there don't seem to be any my doctor prescribes which don't). There's much less risk of impotence and incontinence with Rezum than getting reamed out by traditional TURP. A truly brutal thing to undergo, but at least I can piss now.