LOL bird, you would probably be highly annoyed if you lived in the part of USA i live in, Georgia. Sooooo many pronounce those words like that. it is funny to me, although it makes a person seem annoying after a while when they speak a little too "country"
Libary, worsh instead of wash, pitcher instead of picture, nuculer instead of nuclear. I could go on for days
Fageddabouddit My accent has a pretty good twinge of Da Bronx( plus my parents spoke Italian all the time while I was a kid) - -so Im sure that I have words that I pronounce that irritates da shit ouddaa people
"Realator" instead of "realtor". That annoys the fuck outta me. Also, "jewlery" instead of "jewelry".
lol You'd hate how I talk, because I'm too lazy to pronounce the "t" in "int". I'm not as bad as some people I know though.
One of my best friends says woof instead of wolf. Plural for her is woofs. I lost my shit every time she says it. I crack up laughing.
pronounciation instead of pronunciation Actually, it doesn't bug me, but I find it funny that the way the majority of people pronounce pronunciation is incorrect.
OK, I just checked, and I guess it is pronunced "pronunciation." Irregardless uv that oversite, I perdy much know everything else about the use of werds. I don't make mistaiks now, but I used to did.
That's similar to how my grandma pronounced it, except she'd add an extra syllable and say "flusterated".