Hey if you have any photos from the dreaded school or other social occasions post em here they dont need to be good, mine are all crap ^_^ . Ill start.. Heres one of me at our schools formal looking slightly wasted.
how do you get a picture in? it says to enter the url of the picture but mine are just in a folder...
Junior prom. Who knew we would really be together this long? years later with ahouse and a kid......I loved that dress. I still have it but I am not a size 4 anymore...
hehe, thanks fractal! NATALIE! i love you! youre so cute! whats up girl? ive been meaning to ask you this for a while, are you and corwin engaged?? if so, congrats! if not then maybe i am just going crazy, hahah.
in Italy we don't have that "prom ball" stuff... so therefore I also dunno have any prom pics! we have a kind of "crazy dinner"... there is a movie recorded by one of my fellow comrade in which I am almost naked bathing in the sunrise into a mountain lake... after the dinner and all the rest afterwards.. if I will ever able to have a digital copy I will upload it somewhere
Good is loving others. evil is hateing your brothers.good is giving to othersevil is hurting your brothers.good is praying for each othersevil is lieing to each others.good is puting other firstevil is self indulgence.good is having faith.evil is never ever believinggood is taking care of one family.evil is leaving them hungry,abandongood is dealing with one problem with God help.evil say what the hell i WON'T change.good says put your trust in God.evil say i trust no one but my self.good is being kind and friendly.evil is hatefull,angry and mean.good is living one's life in truth.evil is living as one feel.let good rule in your lifedon't be a fool evil is not right.GOD bless you all good night..
AHHH! Why are these posts all over Hip Forums now?? What the Hell is going on? Oh, and both of you are very beautiful!
We went on a horse and cart, and yea i know i know hit me with the "goth" jokes. "rolls eyes" ... i'm the girl by the way **edit** that was in 2002
sorry its not a full length pic umm yeah, I made my dress.. I posted ithe full dress in a "Any Dress Makers" thread, in fashion and crafts if you wanna peek