Probably Saved A Birds Life !

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Mallyboppa, Sep 25, 2016.

  1. mallyboppa

    mallyboppa Senior Member

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    Me and the wife Had a weekend break ( Friday to Sunday ) in Lincolnshire , Nice Hotel used to be a Mansion house !
    The hotel has grounds of about 90 Acres and two lakes so after unpacking we decided to have a walk .
    girl at the desk said go out the patio over the grass there is a gate , through the gate turn either right or left and walk round the lake then either through a gate over an island or carry on she said you cant get lost you just come back to where you started .
    Halfway round the smaller lake I heard a Kind of weak Squawk ! Said to Wife "what was that "
    She said "Nothing just a Duck or Summat " But I thought No that sounded like a cry for help
    so I had a Look around and Partly Hidden in Long Grass was a pit about five feed deep with some sluice mechanism at the bottom and in this Pit was a black swan !
    I got really close to this bird and I could see that it was in distress and didn't want to be there.
    When we later returned to the hotel I spoke to the girl on the desk and told her what I had seen and the fact that this bird (to me) seemed trapped and would she report it to someone
    About three hours later the groundsman and another person Approached me in the bar >
    " You the guy that reported the Bird in Distress" Yes Did you Manage to Free it " We have walked around the lake three times and can find nothing " they said !!
    I said " There is a bird trapped I will take You To it now but you might need gloves or a blanket to get it out "
    So I took them back to the area that I found the pit but couldn't find it at first but after about five minutes I got my bearings and found the place ! Sure enough (and as I thought ) the Black swan was still in the pit
    TBH I was Beginning to think they doubted me ! But anyway they couldn't get it out and while one of them stayed to try to comfort it the other one went for more bodies to help remove it about Half an hour later the desk girl came looking for me to tell me they had successfully rescued the bird and it was now back with its mate on the lake
    She also told me that it would have surely died in there as they have their wings clipped and cant fly
    I really believe that bird Cried out for help when it heard us passing ! and I was Glad to have Helped in its Rescue
    14 people like this.
  2. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    I had chicken for Dinner
  3. mallyboppa

    mallyboppa Senior Member

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    Here is The Black Swan !
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  4. mallyboppa

    mallyboppa Senior Member

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    A More Cheerful Picture !!
    Our hotel It was nice
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  5. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    this spring, a baby bird fell out of the roof of where i work, right onto a playground full of preschoolers. so they found me and got me to grab a ladder and put it back into the hole in the roof. no idea if it survived after that.

    a couple weeks ago, i was on the breakwall with a good looking girl, and we found a seagull stuck between two rocks. i freed it, and it just flopped around like it was dying and fell upside down onto some lower rocks. it was clearly not going to survive, but the girl made me pick it up and put it back up on the top rocks, and you don't say no to the pretty girl. so i got to risk bird flu or god-knows-what carrying around a dying seagull with my bare hands. one of my friends was there later that day and reported that it had died. on the good side, i didn't catch whatever it had.
  6. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor
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  7. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Do you guys normally have pits this large hidden in long grass?
  8. The Walking Dickhead

    The Walking Dickhead orbiter of helion

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    I rescued a dying raven this summer, picked it up and brought it home. The SSPCA came to my house and took it away and put it down. My first instinct was to get a branch and batter it over the head and hope it did the trick first time, but I sort of couldn't bring myself.

    Either way, the poor little bastard died anyway. The good thing was I scored some major badass karma points.

    Who the hell heard ol' Rick Grimes' couldn't kill a darn bird..
  9. storch

    storch banned

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    If you had found that raven right when it died, and if it had then opened its eyes and started making a rough, hoarse sound and then started looking at you like he was looking at food, you would have killed him. I have faith in Rick.
  10. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    More importantly, after all that, did you at least get to second base?
  11. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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    I've saved a number of birds which have fallen out of their nests. Saved this baby pigeon was years ago. It had fallen out of its nest after a bad storm. Helped heal its wing, bought it baby bird formula from the pet shop, then fed for weeks until it grew to adulthood. Once it learned to fly It was released it near other pigeons.

    You big meanie.
  12. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    not as a direct result...
  13. r0llinstoned

    r0llinstoned Gute Nacht, süßer Prinz

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    Try saving this bird
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  14. mallyboppa

    mallyboppa Senior Member

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    Probably about a hundred years old no one seemed to know it was there ! the whole place had been derelict for years Before it was made into a Hotel ! There was probably a cover over it at one time
    But No its not really normal practice
  15. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Good for you, Mally...I have new founded respect for you now. That is a beautiful bird.....too.....:)
  16. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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  17. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    Not to mention his nickname is 'the big unit'.

    When I read the title I thought it was the slang for girl type of bird. I was disappointed... I mean I am happy you saved the bird but I wanted to know about this girl in my head.
  18. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    There is just one girl in your head?
  19. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    there was just one that i was wondering how she got saved.
  20. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    I saved this birds life...

    7 people like this.

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