Where I live, Detroit, we have Project Green Light. Cameras are all over the city. In liquors stores, in gas stations. Places like that. And you know they are, because they have a green flashing light on the sign in front. And almost every business seems to have one. Except topless bars, I've noticed. They never seem to have that. Because they don't want the police recording what goes in there obviously. Even if it is in private and involves consenting adults. But that is kind of silly. I know in the Summer of 1991, I was carjacked outside an adult bookstore near my home in the wee hours of the morning. I had a large caliber gun poked in my back, although fortunately I was never shot. But I could have paralyzed or even killed. And all the Detroit police officer taking the report was concerned about was that I was outside an adult book store. Sexual morality was more important it seemed, at least to him, than my safety and life. And actually, the act of going to adult book store is not illegal in the US. I wasn't even doing anything illegal by doing that. Strange set of priorities police sometimes have in Detroit.
The US government should shoot a film in Detroit and distribute it worldwide. They could simply use the title. "The world's most advanced nation"