Check this article,It says squeezing breasts helps prevent breast cancer.So men do your noble duty to your wives and girlfriends. Oh I forgot about lesbians."]12-Year-Old Boy Scouts Offer To Give Breast Exams - YouTube
There are lots of ways to discourage the onset of cancer, but right now, sadly there's no 100% fool-proof method. My favorite method is eating! Mostly fruits with antioxidants and chemical compositions that fight the production of "free-radicals": the main culprits of cancer. Eat local food that isn't treated with heavy duty pesticides or herbicides, eat seasonal food (less likely to be treated), and avoid processed garbage: cook more! I live in fear that I'll get breast cancer: my mother had it and survived as have a couple aunts. But so many factors contribute including genes, environment and diet. Medicine is constantly improving, but all I can do for now is control my diet and eat the healthiest medicine off the land!