This week while presidents Clinton and Bush shared the stage at a forum sponsored by Presidential Leadership Scholars, and President Carter built homes for the poor with Habitat for Humanity, Donald Trump was trying to tweet his way out of colluding with the Russians to influence our election.
He is starting to become a joke, too much fluff about nothing, not enough real shit that will actually make america great again
He is embarrassing yeah. I gave him a chance in the beginning but lol what a tool beater. I don't if what I see is legit all the time like on social media but from what I think might be real is just embarrassing.
Hello neighbours down south. You think you have it bad, at least your president doesn't hug unicorns like our prime minister.
I would much rather have a leader that hugs puppets that the egomaniac, self serving, moronic, misogynistic fucking cocksucker that is Trump!!!!!
Trump is like a small dog picking fights with any other dog (regardless of size) who snarls at him. Yet he doesn't seem to notice the pack of wolves slowly gathering in the shadows around him. It is embarrassing. He can't seem to filter what is important and not important. I think one of his most embarrassing comments was when he called the Manchester terrorists "losers." Come on. In such a grave situation, that is the best descriptor he can come up with? That was a serious facepalm moment for America's reputation.
always has been, always will be I wouldn't be surprised one bit if rape was also in his repertoire of creep behavior. seriously, who would actually fuck that pile of shit willingly?
I honestly cannot fathom why anyone would actually support Trump or be in favor of his policies. This has absolutely nothing to do with politics but with just being a human being. If you voted for/support him because he isn't Hillary, you are a fucking petty, immature moron. If you support him because he isn't Obama, you are a fucking ignorant, uneducated moron. If you support him because you agree with his life philosophy and politics, you are a soulless, selfish, self-serving fucking moron. so Trumpites, which category do you fall into. again this doesn't have jack-shit-diddly-squat to do with politics.
Why, because liberals say mean things about "conservative" Trump voters? Poor baby snowflakes! Please expound if you mean something else.
You dont need to expound, actually. Sorry but if you vote for someone for any other reason than their policies and what they can do for the country, then you actually are a selfish, self serving moron. Trump voters voted for the man to spite half the country, the half of the country they've been brainwashed into believing is their enemy, and now they have to deal with the consequences of his bad policies. But so do the rest of us, that's the real kicker.
I agree, neo-prene's intention with that remark is rather vague. at least that is something I can't be accused of....LOL
Nope. I don't mean something else. Liberalism and the attitudes of those who identify with the ideology has swelled to the point that it created a backlash; Trump is that backlash. People have been trying to convince Republicans that everything they value is wrong, and that they are bad people. And along comes Trump to scoop them up and give them a hero and an identity.