The man has a lot against him. He is the first Black President. He works, his family works. He tries hard. Prejudices and meaness. God bless President Obama and God bless the USA God is good President Obama is good. Long live President Obama and Obamacare.:daisy::sunny:
Asmo... go look at her user profile...first comment on the top that she made on her page. lol...that about proves it when combined w this post.
How people continually make excuses for politicians never ceases to astound me. We're a culture of masochists indeed.
See? Some things do unite people who otherwise think each other suck....there has never been anything good about or by that little kenyan creep. Even if you try the "community builder" baloney, just look at chicago and as soon as you try "mean conscientious Americans won't let him play!" don't bother. He was never building any community, he was riding while hosing and that has been obvious to black people for awhile, so it's funny to see lil camp beepers trying to sound "politically correct" - for no real purpose or gain. Like mice standing on matchboxes proclaiming the virtues of the "misunderstood" black snake! Ahahaha! Barney. When it came out intelligent people knew what he was for...we have people still that were conditioned for independence and autonomy as well as people conditioned to be wide eyed simpletons whose security contact point is "conformity" and "authority approval" and it's wild to see what people can be made into. It always reminds me of all the people in stalin's work-to-death camps, writing him letters begging for him to come "save" them. Thing is, it gets you too. By the time they start incarcerating them, other people will be resigned to "yeah but they were stupid and being babies on purpose and there's nothing else to do with them" But haha I thought this thread was a gag! Good grief! Ahaha!
This thread is no gag he’s an amazing president and his family sets the standard, sets the model for all American families whether they be white/black/brown/red/ or yellow. Just remember he’s still cleaning up the mess left by his predecessor George Bush Hotwater
Trolls don’t hang around for 10 years You just don’t know how to deal with someone who is black and proud, coupled with a sliver of intellect, I don’t fit into your jungian pantheon of archetypes Hotwater