
Discussion in 'Masturbation' started by jackjacks, Jun 11, 2020.

  1. jackjacks

    jackjacks Members

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    Anyone else had trouble with prescription drugs interfering with erection/ejaculation? I'm struggling with duloxetine.
  2. Have you told your doctor about this?
  3. jackjacks

    jackjacks Members

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    He knows
  4. What is he doing about it?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2020
    Montoya1347 likes this.
  6. Twogigahz

    Twogigahz Senior Member

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    Tons of antidepressants out there. Maybe it's time to try something new? Easy for me to say, I know....but...
  7. He also may need a new doctor. Doctors are known to be set in their ways, and they keep on doing something matter what it does to a patient.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2020
  8. jackjacks

    jackjacks Members

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    I don’t need a new Doctor. I was just wondering if anyone else has gone through something like this.
  9. anythingonce

    anythingonce You Can Trust Me

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    SSRIs are known to cause the inability to get or keep an erection. And they can make an orgasm physically impossible.

    I have chronic back pain from an injury that occurred in 1985. When I know I’ll be having sex, I’ll abstain from narcotics and muscle relaxers. Then I double up on ibuprofen and acetaminophen. Not as effective for pain, but no side effects. I also take sildenafil (generic viagra) because of the lasting effects of the narcotics. I know my body, and I know my dosage, so I manage things pretty darn well!
    Sissybrandy likes this.
  10. I see you are 73 years old.
  11. anythingonce

    anythingonce You Can Trust Me

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    Actually got around to checking the actual drug you’re referring to. Duloxetine is the generic for Cymbalta. That is a VERY strong SNRI which has all the same issues with loss of libido, inability to get or keep an erection and inability to reach orgasm. It has stronger adverse effects than SSRI medications, and those have bad side effects.

    Strange how the side effects of an antidepressant can really be depressing.

    Please speak with your doctor. There are other medications with fewer side effects available. If your doctor won’t help you, you need a new doctor. “First, do no harm.”
    Bicaptain My Captain likes this.

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