POW torture could sink Bush's ship!

Discussion in 'America Attacks!' started by jesuswasamonkey, May 8, 2004.

  1. jesuswasamonkey

    jesuswasamonkey Slightly Tipsy

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    For the last two days I have been glued to C-SPAN, this issue has caused an incredible uproar in government. The chain of command behind this barbaric behavior appears to go very high indeed.

    Senators have called for Rumfield's impeachment. It is very likely that he will never work in government again.

    Also, withdrawing from iraq has come under serious discussion. We are going to be a lot more careful over there.

    This grade-A deluxe fuckup could bring the war machine to it's senses. Or it could light the fuse for the bomb that will start a civil war. Or it could start a world war. Or all three.

    It's heavy stuff man.
  2. earthy44

    earthy44 Member

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    Although I would love to see Bush and his cronies go down, I think they have to many friends behind the scenes in both politics and industry who will do everything they can to keep them in power. GRRR!!!! Guess its up to us then!
  3. Eugene

    Eugene Senior Member

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    I have a hard time believing that the president did not know about this until the 60 minutes II story broke it. A common theme amongst the apologists is that there was no cover-up, but maybe they just believed that the right-wing media would not report it.
  4. logicalway

    logicalway Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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  5. Sera Michele

    Sera Michele Senior Member

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    Bush has made a mess of this war. We don't need to keep sending troops over there. We need to pull them out. This is getting rediculous. We have Saddam. Lets let the Iraqi's have their country back.
  6. Alltaken

    Alltaken Member

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    all i can say is that its funny...... not the people getting totured, but that even americans that were 100% in support of the war are now saying things like (quote from an american whom i have had very heavy debates with, he is 100% in suport with bush)

    " To me it's not he most disgusting thing, but it comes darn well close, simply because they are doing the same that we went in to stop."

    HA HA HA that is funny. this guy has finally once and for all admitted hypocracy. all anyone ever really wanted was to knock the US off their superior high horse.

    silly people had to slip up some time.

  7. SpiderJerusalem

    SpiderJerusalem Banned

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    the war is indeed a mess, but i doubt it will bring down the present administration . The torture incidents are being blamed on mercenaries, who are not bound by the geneva convention hence their popularity in both afghanistan and iraq . If this approach fails then the government will blame those in charge on the ground scapegoating them and making it even harder to attempt in iraq .
    The Bush administration will claim to have been following sections of the powell doctrine and therefore not intervening in the day to day running of the warzone, making it impossible for them to be responsible for action on the ground .
  8. Sera Michele

    Sera Michele Senior Member

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    "But in an exceptional move, and breaking with its usual silence, the International Committee of the Red Cross said it had warned Washington months ago that US troops had beaten and even killed Iraqis being held in detention."

    The gov't was told what was going on and did NOTHING. They did not care, and basically allowed this behavior until the public found out. Now they are trying to act shocked and appalled...they are heartless assholes.
  9. Megara

    Megara Banned

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    as ghastly as the tortures are..i find it quite ironic that this story broke JUST after the oil for food scandal was brought up that indicated high lvl French, Russian and UN officials were lining their pocketbooks while others starved to death.

    The world is corrupt and evil, America is no different. Everyone who gets up on a high horse is a hypocrit.
  10. MamaTheLama

    MamaTheLama Too much coffee

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    I'm just glad the media picked up on it finally.

    Kinda ironic that it's been going on for so long but as soon as the media gets it, then Bush apologizes. Friggin theatrics.

    I doubt it'll change much, but it's nice to get a glimmer of the truth from the media.
  11. Sera Michele

    Sera Michele Senior Member

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    They aren't sorry that it happened...They are sorry that they got caught.
  12. sassure

    sassure Member

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    This is just further evidence that we are living in a lunatic world, but this asylum is run by the lunatics themselves. They want us to believe that WE are the lunatics, but we all know better.....
  13. Mui

    Mui Senior Member

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    Sick bastards... the bush admin has fucked up so many times... they cant even hide their corruption well... its very obvious... but there are always people who refuse anything the liberal media puts out
  14. Maverick83

    Maverick83 Guest

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    For one thing, this will not be the downfall of the Bush Administration. This is an atrocity commited by a few very stupid American soldiers. It's not Bush's fault, he had nothing to do with it, therefore an apoligy is not due. Condemning the abuses is enough, an apology should not come from anyone who is not at fault.
    Another thing, these were abuses, nothing more. They were the mistreatment of POW's by dumb American soldiers. Torture is far worse. Now, what the Iraqi soldiers do to our captured soldiers, that's torture. There is a difference. It's not too much of a difference, but there is one.
  15. kitty fabulous

    kitty fabulous smoked tofu

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    get your head out of the sand, asshole! the red cross found a "broad pattern".


    from the above article:

    On Friday, the Red Cross disclosed it had repeatedly demanded last year that U.S. authorities correct problems in the detention centers. The Americans took action on some issues but not others, it said. "We were dealing here with a broad pattern, not individual acts. There was a pattern and a system," Pierre Kraehenbuel, the Red Cross operations director, said in Geneva.

    rumsfeld should be fired. even he admits it's far worse, and the photos we've seen are just the tip of the iceberg. you are however correct that it is not "torture". it is torture, rape and murder. an AP article, from the denver post - i read it on yahoo news last night:


    from that article:

    Rumsfeld said there are many more photographs and videos that have not been made public yet.

    “It’s going to get still more terrible, I’m afraid,” he said.

    Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said he wants to “prepare the public: Apparently the worst is yet to come potentially in terms of disturbing events.” He later told reporters, “The American public needs to understand we’re talking about rape and murder here. We’re not just talking about giving people a humiliating experience.”

    your willfull ignorance sickens me, and embarrasses yourself.
  16. ImmortalDissident

    ImmortalDissident Senior Member

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    I agree with Maverick. While I hope Bush rots in hell... he really had nothing to do with this. I don't doubt that he had prior knowledge of the abuse, but he's a jackass so naturally he wouldn't say anything to make himself look bad. It would be for this very reason, he wouldn't want to say anything. The blame gets put on him.

    Likewise, when Saddam was captured people were congratulating Bush. His ass wasn't over there getting shot at. The only people responsible for that task were the soldiers who uncovered him. Bush just seriously needs to move into a bomb shelter on some remote island in the pacific and never return to sight.
    Peace - Happiness - Harmony
  17. Maverick83

    Maverick83 Guest

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    Name calling won't get you anywhere, especially swearing at me. It just shows a lack of maturity.

    Yes, it did go so far as rape, but it is still not torture. If you want to find real torture, why don't you look up the story of Jessica Lynch (I hope that's how you spell that), or the escapee that just got back(I can't remember his name right now).
  18. BraveSirRubin

    BraveSirRubin Members

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    This is just an idiotic media exageration.

    Yes, it was wrong... just as wrong as rape and other things...

    Yet it is also war, and those are prisoners... the people who took the photos are clearly young idiots... but that is not a reason to impeach anyone...

    All the people that actually ask for the impeachment of any senior officer and expect it to happen are the most irrational... no one is enough of an idiot to step-down because of some crap like this. Stepping down of any cabinet member would really hurt Bush's plans for re-election, it would be the first time he would admit that he was actually wrong at something.

    He won't do it, it won't happen.
  19. SharyBobbins

    SharyBobbins QPR Football Fan

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    If we are all about Give Peace a Chance then why can't we give Bush a chance. Let's not forget that he was not the one who tortured those prisoners. It was that girl. I may be a republican but I like democrats too. Al Gore is my favorite one.
  20. SharyBobbins

    SharyBobbins QPR Football Fan

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    How can someone advocate Peace Happiness and Harmony if they are so angry towards the president? My history teacher was right, us young kids have no respect for our political leaders. I guess it's all Nixon's fault, he got us all paranoid. It used to be that we respected our President. I guess times really are a' changin.

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