I'm having a super hard time getting my toddler interested in using the potty..wonder if any of you guys have some good tips???
Are you using one of the little ones--or the regular toilet?? In my experience, praise with excitement did the trick.
lots of naked time and make sitting on the potty fun. I let my little one chill on his potty while he colors or watches cartoons.
I've tried most of that..hard to praise when she doesn't go though...I think the naked thing would probably work and I want to try it but I live in a drafty old house and winter is approaching fast
DO NOT USE ANY CHEMICAL LAXATIVE WITHOUT A PHYSICIANS INSTRUCTIONS! Try giving her prunes at bedtime. The amount or number to give is variable, try starting with three, whole if she will eat them or stewed if that make them more acceptable. Then, when you get her up in the morning give her something cold to drink, like orange juice. Cold liquids stimulate the gastro-colonic reflex. Immediately seat her on the potty and let her play or watch cartoons or whatever will keep her sitting there for at least fifteen minutes. These techniques usually produce results in just a few days; when things happen be sure to praise her for doing a good job. Increase or decrease the prunes and don't stop them cold, taper them off slowly and adjust up or down as needed. Children do not develop a "laxative habit" from prunes; remember, they are just dried fruit.
OK thanks..I'll try this..just not sure if I'll get her to stay sitting on the potty that long even in front of TV..she really doesn't like it maybe cause I pushed it on her a little
skyjewlz, it sounds like she is just too young for toilet training. I should have told you that yesterday because pushing her will not help. Don't go on pushing her. If she does not respond in a week, stop. Wait six months and try again. This will be less stressful for her and you.
When she was just over a year she started using the potty but then didn't want anything to do with it..with the stress of moving and new baby I decided not to push it on her then but she practically changes her own reusable diaper..meaning she is more than capable to go on the potty..and when she goes in her diaper she knows and grabs at herself to let me know..which is why I was trying to push the potty training again..that being said..I will probably let it go again for a few months if she doesn't work at it because I surely don't want her to hate it
Good idea. It sounds like she is close to being ready. The new sibling may have upset her. Don't worry about that, let her adjust. Keep the prunes in mind. They are safe, natural and very effective.