dood, you will fiend but not as bad when smoking pot. I was on both and I could feel both the highs, Ive done it a few times, I smoke alot after I start coming down, ... i dont know heh i dont like thinking about it.
hum...JERK!! ... If it was not from nature you'll not being living and being such an....ignorant... Yes all is chemical, but not all is synthetic... Ganja=natural chemical coke=synthetic chemical... unless you talk about eating directly the leaf of the coca plant...
Very well put. I knew this thread would get people going about how bad coke is. When I said occasional, I meant it to the fullest extent. And if you even THINK you have an addictive personality, you should know what you're getting into. Use good judgement.
coke is gay. i have pals who are retarded rejects now because of it. some weed to get high, you don't need more.
I love it when people invent statistics. Most of nature isn't poisonous to humans. Not all of it is nutritious, pleasant to eat, or whatever, but that doesn't make it poisonous. I could just as well tell you not to put words in my mouth. I never said anything like that. One could bring up the fact that concentrated poison (yes, most medicines are derived from your "poisonous" nature) is not good for us. Herbs can help the body heal itself, they don't heal the body. But, for that matter, nor do drugs. It's always the body that heals itself. We can help it along sometimes, but I am not convinced that the way we do it is always the best way. We like to put unnatural concentrations of these chemicals together and call it medicine. In the long run, I think they do more harm than good (except, perhaps, to the bank accounts of these pharmaceutical guys, who are closely associated with the FDA). EDIT: I was in a cynical mood last night, so I wanted to add to the above. I realize there are a lot of medicines that really do help people, and I'm not suggesting we stop using them. I just wish they weren't always pushing all these drugs on us (advertizing drugs to consumers? wtf???) when we probably don't need them at all. I worry that these high concentrations weaken our body's ability to heal itself, leaving it vulnerable to later sickness.
It is really sad to see how fucked up our youth is getting.. People talk like coke and meth are pleasent.. or saying.. dont dog till your try it.. etc.. Yeah, i got news for yall.. It is all fun and games at first.. Its not like it hits you over a night, for most it is a slow process.. Dont get me wrong.. I never was a ragein' cokehead, but enough to be considered an addict!
Special Ocasions!! I do it all the time... Coke and Pot... now that's the shit.. best combo there is...
Okay, people, i don't know who out there is thinking that i'm talking directly to them, but in anycase. Chemical=2 or more different elements Water= 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen so Water=Chemical If Chemicals=Bad then water=bad. Since water obviously=good, this makes the reasoning faulty. Find the stuff that occures in nature! Water, Arsenic, poptarts, cocaine hcl, LSD, marijuana, asprin, Datura, Mescaline. As you know, the only things on the list that aren't natural are asprin, poptarts, and LSD. Does this say ANYTHING about how safe LSD asprinin or poptarts are? No! of course not! LSD is one of the safest drugs out there (oding wise) but doesn't occur anywhere in nature. Datura by contrast is one of the most fuck-you-up-dangerous substances known to man. I'm getting off point.... Cocaine is as natural is Kava Kava extract, coffee or cigarettes. All three are just chemical extractions and human processing of a natural plant. Cocaine is more natural than RCs or LSD! Clearly whether somehting is natural or not cannot prove whether something is safe or not. (P.S. don't you know that 42% or all statistics are made up on the spot?) Now, coke as a drug, is terrible. It is a shitty upper, the high is very brief, and mother fucker is it expensive. The come down can be dante-esqe, and by the end of the night you are confessing your sins for a moment of respite and sleep. It is terribly addictive, i haven't done any for 4 months and haven't used heavily for 10, is still get cravings now and then. Coke is kinda like falling head over heels in love with someone. You break up and you want to go back so bad, but the next day it's a little less, and the next day it's a little more less until it's barely there at at. Trust me though, it's there. I'm never going to be able to talk someone out of doing coke if they have their mind set on it, so i say if you want to go ahead and empty your savings out, alienate your friends and family and let some fluffy white extract hold you by the balls, hopefully you'll come to your senses pretty quickly and you'll know excatly what i was talking about.
I agree with your point about chemicals. I don't agree in saying that Cocaine is natural. Coca leaves are natural and contain some cocaine, but cocaine (the drug) is an artificially concentrated extract not found in nature. It's a fine distinction but an important one. Such concentration is where the danger mostly lies.
ill never do coke again... i did that shit once and all i could think about for 3 days was "i want some coke"
lol, "Just because there are a handful of plants and herbs that are of use to us doesn't mitigate the fact that 99.9% of nature will kill you given the chance." totally sig-ed.... but yeah, lithium has to be very carefully regulated, because the mood equalizing level is very small, and very, VERY close tothe leathal level. lithium is dangerous.
^^yep. east hastings is pretty bad and coke is nasty shit. "Ive never dont coke either and i never will but my bros friends do, which freaks me out sometimes because that is who I get my pot from so when im high sometimes i get paranoid and think theres coke in the weed. But then i snap out of it." i dunno bout anyone elses' experience but i knew the first time i did coke in a joint by the way it lit and then went out over and over and by the smell - coke has a funky smell when it burns.
if someone put coke in their joint it would be like.. wrapping your joint in a hundred dollar bill, but less classy. anyway id do coke if it was offered to me. but id probably end up filling the gap with meth or something. i dont have enough money to buy it.