mate you need to put image tags around it[/*img] but without the * unless your hosting company dont allow direct linking then it wont work [img]
hot. you look very young for your age, maybe its just the picture. i figured you were 16 or so, and then saw you were 20.
hehe that picture was taken when i was 17, so it figures i look so young... I just picked that pic at random, just to test the picture posting feature... I'll get nicer ones later.
Nice! I'll be glad when the galleries come back.....they were quite a zoo. I was fascinated by the sheer volume of stuff posted there.....
verdad es verdad no es nessecario para dicer gracias , claro que su bellessa es un regallo para nosotros .... y gracias a usted ....naciste en londres ? o otro lugar?
chilena por eso penso que tu eres mas vibrante....yo gringo , de boston massachusetts origionalmente.frances -indio x irlandes -scocio de canada......viveo en purto rico por algunos anos .al momento .. vivo en tennessee . voy a comprar finca en costa rica dios quere ..., y vivir por siempre en las montanias volcanico de centroamerica
i just wanted to say that you are hot in a special way should post more pics cuz there is somthing you got that is ......endlessly expressive....multi faceted