Abraham Lincoln, during the Lincoln-Douglas debates: "I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn't get there. And she was married," ... "When you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything ... Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything." ... nevermind, that was Donald Trump again.
Harold Macmillan, former UK Prime Minister, when asked what was the hardest thing to deal with when being in Government:
The Missing Verses of " This land is your Land" ! As I went walking, I saw a sign there, And on the sign there, It said "no trespassing". [In another version, the sign reads "Private Property"] But on the other side, it didn't say nothing! That side was made for you and me. In the squares of the city, In the shadow of a steeple; By the relief office, I'd seen my people. As they stood there hungry, I stood there asking, Is this land made for you and me?
Bravo..... ......Bravo...... ......Somebody Finally Has The "Intestinal Fortitude" To Tell It As It Really Is...... Cheers Glen.
Why do I feel guilty about liking this post? Because of these people were happy and safe in their own country, if children were ot killed and maimed in their own country, they would not be in ours! If we were not at risk from SOME Muslim, we would not fear the rest, because we don't know which to fear! If a few men had not used the muslim women's clothing to cover up they were terrorist, we would let them wear what they want! It's about time the entire world stood together to sort this shit, instead of pushing these people back! It's not fair to any of us! There! Quote by morrow!
"Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam." The multicultural society in general (that has technically been a thing since Rome) has failed because SOME foreigners (not even just muslims, they just have the focus these days) did not integrate in our societies, and yes, some of them really do not want to at all. It is interesting to see the people who proclaim THE multcultural society as a whole has failed explain that statement. You will see they have to nuance it greatly to make it really correct
I am still very glad we (the netherlands) have Wilders, instead of someone like Trump. What he says in above quote is easily parried in the Netherlands. There could eventually be more mosques than churches because more and more dutch people slowly but steadily become areligious. There are a shitload of empty churches and this has nothing to do with islam. It has more to do with the fact that these people don't have nothing to gain or in common with the church and its religion. People who do not want to see any muslim on the streets in their neighbourhood will always see it like have to 'batte'. It's called incapable of accepting change. This one is misleading. First of all the dutch prime minister is not saying islam has nothing to do with things. Just that it is not the sole and/or main reason some muslim immigrants can't or wont integrate. There is a difference between one muslim and the next and Geert Wilders is one of the people who is throwing them all on the proverbial pile and acts like if there were no muslims at all it would all be peachy fine. We can look at the bible and make the christian religion appear at least as violent