Vent here instead of getting into trouble! "You need therapy. Seriously. You're a child in an adult's body. Get help."
You didn't even have the goddamn decency to even try keeping the nonsense away from me and my sis. We're your kids, your blood, and we didn't ask for any of that "childhood". All you had to do was at least attempt some kinda damage mitigation. Hell, had you even shown that kinda actual motherly care even just a single time.. well, I guess a single instance wouldn't change anything. But I guess it's something I wanted to experience from you. I loved you. There's a part of me that unequivocally still would have to admit that my love for you is alive. It's just not actively something that plays any role anymore in my daily life. You will have to answer for your hideous decisions. I am still curious how you're ever going to explain why you still fucked that drunken barfly you brought home... AFTER you caught him red handed abusing your daughter. I can forgive every nasty manipulation. Every gaslighting expedition you put me through over and over and fucking over. Sure, no problem. But it's not forgivable what you did that night. First, you are a cheating bitch. Second, if you're absolutely dead set on cheating.. please keep it away from the family home, y'know... Where us kids are. Make sense? Third, it's your supposed hookup that abuses your own daughter. Fourth, you fucked the abuser right after. Fifth, you told your daughter not to say anything about it because nightmares are scary but not real. How dare you. Yep. Burn in a fire, you old bitch.
I don't believe you. It grieves me to say that, and I desperately wish that I could; relationships are based upon trust. However, every single thing you say is couched within the context of your paranoid psychosis. If I told you that the sky was a particularly lovely shade of blue today, you'd immediately pollute it and turn it into something dark and sinister; like the weaponized AI robot drones flying over our house when nobody's looking. Nobody, individually or severally, is stalking, harassing, or persecuting us in any way. We are not being surveilled (we're simply not that interesting). There are no microwave/ultrasonic/EMF weapons or Mexican drug cartels with Buck Rogers ray guns bombarding us. I realize that it doesn't feel like it to you, but we really are safe here; you are safe here. Of the trust that underpins any relationship, the most basic and vital; the sine qua non, is the trust that one is safe in the presence of another, not just physically safe, but safe from emotional harm as well; the secure belief that you would never, ever intentionally hurt me. In our relationship, that's demonstrably untrue, and hasn't been for years. In your banshee-screaming psychotic rages, you're whitheringly verbally and emotionally abusive, and, quite frankly, frightening. I used to tell myself that was just your 'crazy' talking, but over time I've come to realize that when your sympathetic nervous system is that explosively activated, your frontal cortex goes completely off-line, and what I'm witnessing are your true feelings; straight and unedited from your amygdala, unadulterated by the social filters normally provided by higher brain functions. Afterwards, you occasionally half-ass apologize and vigorously gaslight me; that it's my fault for not believing you, and that you desperately need for me to believe you. I know that you're frightened; I get that...but I don't believe you. I can't. Do you want to know who really 'desperately needs to be believed'? THE ONE WHOSE REALITY TESTING IS INTACT!
To mother: Why did you run off to Mexico when I was 4 years old? Why did you leave me behind? And never come back? To father: Why were you such a cold hearted asshole? Not having decent parents that gave a shit about me surely affected my life in ways that I was not even aware of. To Gramma Pearl: Thanks for giving me a home ---wish I could have you back for a while to show more appreciation. To the friends of my youth: You all were very important to me and gave me a real sense of belonging. I'm sorry you're all dead now.
Yeah, I forgave them years and years ago,but--whenever I see articles by people being mistreated by those that are supposed to love and take care of them in a reasonable manner----I say fuck ém whether they are mom and dad or other relatives. Cut ém loose. ( they've been dead since 66 and 72.) Believe me, I have done a lot better with my kids.
To come back and add: I didn't think about that early scene much--I spent most of my youth having fun and good times with a great bunch of male and female friends and I spent most of my time being very happy. I didn't whine about that early scene because I was so young when most of it happened,I didn't really know what I had missed--if anything. Same for the rest of my life--it has been filled with the love of good women and good friends and many adventures. I appreciate the sentiment though toker. And I have great kids!
Really?!? After me trying multiple times to explain to you why I'm like this, you don't accept my answers? You ask me if I had a hard drug habit, you ask me if I have AIDS... REALLY?? Instead of listening to the totally normal and honest and vulnerable explanations I gave you? You're covering up for your own lack of emotional intelligence and inability to listen to your own child by continuing to suspect of me these nightmare scenarios? Instead of just, goddamn, listening to me? Also... projecting, much??? Damn!
The world/society/ect sucks and most people dont seem to have a clue or care.......... Happy Sunday, have a flower........... Mzzls
Spending time together does not equal you staring at your phone all day and grunting at me whenever I open my mouth.
Having a relative or friend, who has health issues, but refuses to listen to doctor, or change their habits. Say they have always done this. I would love to say; and look where that's got you.
Neglect is a horrible situation, even if they move away, a call or letter a few times a year makes a huge difference My dad died when I was 9, I can't hold that against him. My mother lived until I was over 50 and were in contact several times a week. She was 97 when she died.