Now that things seem to be getting a little more relaxed on the heals of all the restrictions that have been in place I got a text from a friend to go on a hike to get out. I’m pretty excited about the potential out on the trail knowing that he may have more than hiking on his mind. It’s been over a year and a half for me since I have had a cock in my mouth and lately it’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot.
I don't blame you at all for wanting it. I'm craving it badly too. But we are not in post COVID at all. Not even close. Many states like Florida, Texas, Arizona, and California the cases are increasing at an alarming rate. Here in the Northeast things are improving but very cautiously as we got hit bad and who knows what's happened with all the protests. Do what you want. It's your and your friends choice. But the situation has not changed other than people getting sick of isolation. Be careful and be well. Another thought some guys have the virus on their semen when infected. Mixed bag on that.
Being an essential worker has me in contact with people anyway. It’s not that I’m not careful, I am. But it’s one more person. In California the numbers are increasing at that alarming rate. With the protests they do expect an increase but haven’t seen it yet.
"Another thought some guys have the virus on their semen when infected. Mixed bag on that." What I've read is inconclusive, which makes me scared. I guess gargling with Listerine after a blowjob might be an option.
Just Googled Listerine and convid-19 virus. "No. LISTERINE® Antiseptic is a daily mouthwash which has been proven to kill 99.9% of germs that cause bad breath, plaque and gingivitis. LISTERINE® mouthwash has not been tested against the coronavirus and is not intended to prevent or treat COVID-19. Consumers should follow the preventive measures issued by the World Health Organization(link is external) including washing hands frequently, maintaining social distance and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth." I wonder what the WHO has to say about cock sucking?
Yeah that's what I meant by mixed bag, inconclusive. But since Covid-19 is a respiratory virus, if it's in the semen and semen gets in your mouth. Listerine probably won't save you. The target cells are right there.
See my earlier post. No, Listerine on their web page says it does not kill covid-19 virus. I guess safest way to give a blowjob is with a condom. Yuck!