I was a t Walmart's today looking for our favorite slickum lube in the condom section while my wife was getting groceries. A young woman, early 20s, and a real looker reached over my shoulder and picked up a pack of levonorgestrel pills or pill for preventing pregnancy after sex. I knew it was available but thought it was only by prescription. Something like 90% effective if taken within the first 72 hours. After she left, and I put my eyes back in their sockets, I read a bit about this. It is not indicated as a routine birth control method but should be kept in one's quiver as an emergency method.
When my wife was dating other guys in college, the condom slipped or tore one night, leaving her a nervous wreck until her period finally started. The uh-oh pill would have been a good option.
I saw on t.v. that you have to read the label carefully. I doesn't work if you weigh over a certain weight.