Post Breakup Confusion

Discussion in 'Relationships' started by alexbeauclair, Aug 9, 2015.

  1. alexbeauclair

    alexbeauclair Members

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    Hey everyone, have just gotten out of a three and a half month long relationship. We were long distance, but she visited for one month which was amazing. However, ever since she left, I have been miserable so I decided to finally end it.
    I broke up with her over skype and she took it terribly- we cried, fought all night and she kept accusing me. Of never loving her in the first place, of turning straight, finding someone else. She kept saying she wanted to drink herself to the hospital and wanted to die, and hasn't been eating properly for the past three days. Also, she asked me not to date/sleep with anyone else because she can't handle that right now. She wants to keep talking like we used to (updating each other all day and skype dates) and every time I suggest some time apart, she begs me to stay. This is my first relationship ever (late acceptance of my sexuality, I'm 18 and she's 20) so I'm not sure if any of this is normal or how I should be dealing with the situation. Any help would be appreciated, cheers!
  2. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    You can never break up a relationship. You are the present in all your relations. People just waX AND WANE IN IMPORTANCE TO YOU.

  3. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member Lifetime Supporter

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    Maybe the best thing is to be apart. It sounds like you are on to something with that. But it's sad to say goodbye. Try to reason with her. Tell her you know how she feels. Be understanding. In your heart you know the right thing to do.
  4. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    one post + personal crisis thread = 99% likely to be troll, imho.

    I don't mind replying to troll threads/likely troll threads most of the time, but don't feel like investing much time at the moment.

    The only advice I would offer is posting in the lesbian forum, they may have particular insight.
  5. alexbeauclair

    alexbeauclair Members

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    I'm not a troll, I'm a person with a genuine problem. If you don't want to help, that's fine, but please don't ward off people who potentially can. With your assumption making and rudeness, I would say that YOU are the troll in this situation. Also, this is one of the first hits when you search lesbian forum on Google. I have no idea how to navigate this website, I'm new and I just need help.
    1 person likes this.
  6. monstermunch

    monstermunch Members

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    People have problems... they are not your problems. You care, but the actions are a way to keep you. You can care and back away and as long as you explain it, then it is their own problem to learn how to deal with things in a mature way.
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  7. mathias0815

    mathias0815 Members

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    :crowngrin: I like the response, although would you mind to shade some of your light reg. 'Why to post in a lesbian forum?' I mean could be as well a gay forum or transgender... so, why in particular a 'lesbian' forum? Because they have more ideas how a woman react? Or they share the same anatomy and therefore know how to use Skype? :bomb: Or why that hint?
  8. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    They might not have any more insight into the issues than anyone else. It was speculation that they might though. Put it in the "wouldn't hurt to try" category.
  9. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    she'll get over it. I mean that in the nicest way possible. I am the type of person who often (well, back when I was single) found myself in long, extended break ups because I didn't want to hurt the person, but at some point I realized it just just manipulation on their part and I had to let it go.

    it'll only make things 10 x worse if you don't make a clean break.
  10. audrey_the_endotherm

    audrey_the_endotherm Members

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    I could not agree more. The topic creator is having a personal crisis and his/her first choice is to seek relationship advice for a bunch of random strangers on a forum he/she knows nothing about. Why not seek advice form people that know you best, such as friends and family? I don't know, maybe this is a legit person looking for advice in an odd way. Maybe I have become disenchanted with this site sometimes, now every first post looks like a troll thread.
  11. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    why would anyone want to create such a boring troll thread though ? (no offense OP, I don't mean you're boring). Trolls should be entertaining, pot stirring little shits.
  12. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    It doesn't make sense to me that so many troll posts get made in the first place.

    The content of the OP's post doesn't really stand out much. It's just a general observation that when someone goes straight into starting a personal crisis thread with their first post, they're usually a troll. OP could be one of the small percentage that is legit.

    If someone has invested a little more time into HF, I'm more likely to spend the time offering advice.
  13. mathias0815

    mathias0815 Members

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    Hmmmm..... to some extent I agree, to some not really.... I think it's nice and good to be aware that trolls are running around and try to have their fun. The benefit of it is that I can decide if I really wanna hook up or not ;-)
    On the other hand I don't see an easy way to do your first posts.... OK the general suspicion is raised to be a troll if below 20 posts or so.... But I wonder how to start? I mean most likely I wanna have something from a forum - some kind of response.

    Q: how to do it properly start without being suspected as a traitor embodied by a troll?

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