Possibly the most-studied substance on the planet

Discussion in 'Cannabis Activism' started by DdC, Dec 23, 2013.

  1. DdC

    DdC Member

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    Possibly the most-studied substance on the planet dwr

    Thanks to Paul Armentano for his proper take-down of the ignorant comment so often floated out there — that we just don’t know that much about marijuana.

    The Media Should Stop Pretending Marijuana’s Risks Are a Mystery
    — The Science is Clear
    Speaking recently with the Los Angeles Times, UCLA professor and former Washington state “pot czar” Mark Kleiman implied that we as a society are largely ignorant when it comes to the subject of weed. Speaking with Times columnist Patt Morrison, Kleiman stated, “I keep saying we don’t know nearly as much about cannabis as Pillsbury knows about brownie mix.”

    Kleiman’s allegation—that the marijuana plant and its effects on society still remains largely a mystery—is a fairly common refrain. But it is far from accurate.

    Despite the US government’s nearly century-long prohibition of the plant, cannabis is nonetheless one of the most investigated therapeutically active substances in history. To date, there are over 20,000 published studies or reviews in the scientific literature referencing the cannabis plant and its cannabinoids, nearly half of which were published within the last five years according to a keyword search on PubMed Central, the US government repository for peer-reviewed scientific research. Over 1,450 peer-reviewed papers were published in 2013 alone.​
    We know plenty about cannabis. We know more about cannabis than most (if not all) FDA-approved drugs, despite their vaunted exclusive process (which often has as much to do with politics and money as science).

    The ‘we don’t know enough’ argument is used to delay or dilute legalization efforts (I would place Kleiman’s comments in the “dilute” category, formerly “delay”), and, in some cases, it is merely short for “I won’t be satisfied with any amount or type of studies until we find one that proves cannabis is bad.” (Sabet would probably be an example of that.)

    Jack Herer’s “The Emperor Wears No Clothes”

    The 'Virtues' of Ganja
    The Politics of Pot
    Jack Herer’s “The Emperor Wears No Clothes”

    Top 10 Cannabis Studies the Government Wished it Had Never Funded


    The ongoing tragic and devastating fallacy of seeing prohibition as a way to help people

    Yesterday, Canada’s Supreme Court struck down some prohibition laws as being unconstitutional. It found that the laws were overbroad, and while it agreed that the government had the authority to regulate the activity, it was not allowable for that to happen “at the cost of the health, safety and lives of” those involved.

    If Marijuana Legalization Sends The Wrong Message To Teenagers,
    Why Aren't They Listening?

    Setting Nixon Lies Aside.
    Now Lets Make Policy on Cannabis. Doh!

    There ya go... It's a product the government buys with tax dollars they steal from kids lunch programs and healthcare. Winning means stop selling the product the same as losing. Perpetuate with prisons or asylums. As stated, the truly mentally ill are doing the Thorazine shuffle at soup kitchens since Reagans set them free from the dungeons. Renting cells and selling rehab paraphernalia. Opting out of mandatory minimums and gag rule deterrents to jury trials. It's all a fascist racket to me. Foster Care living room sweatshops plus tax paid dollars for each kid. Koch detention or maxcap prisons eating taxes. The Ganjawar product sold to those who are told they need to buy it while it's on sale. Battery's not included.

    No, it wasn’t drugs, but it certainly seems familiar.
    “Parliament has the power to regulate against nuisances, but not at the cost of the health, safety and lives of prostitutes,” wrote Chief Justice Beverley McLaughlin, who referenced the case of convicted serial killer Robert Pickton. Pickton targeted prostitutes in British Columbia.

    “A law that prevents street prostitutes from resorting to a safe haven such as Grandma’s House while a suspected serial killer prowls the streets is a law that has lost sight of its purpose.”

    Living off the profits of prostitution, a law aimed at criminalizing pimping, was found to be “overbroad” in that it also criminalizes those who “increase the safety and security of prostitutes,” like legitimate drivers, managers and bodyguards.​
    While the Supreme Court would probably have been right to strike down the laws effective immediately, it actually gave the government a full year to find acceptable laws to replace these before they would be void.

    And yet, predictably, some people are screaming.
    Kim Pate, executive director of the Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies called it a “sad day.”

    “We have now confirmed that it’s okay to buy and sell women and girls in this country,” she said. “I think generations to come, our daughters and granddaughters will look back and say, ‘what were they thinking?’ ”​
    Really? Is it possible to get any more ridiculous in your reaction to the news than that?

    It sounds a lot like some of the drug war prohibitionists here who think that legalizing and regulating drugs means we don’t care about the welfare of those who use drugs (when it’s exactly the opposite).

    The true-believer supporters of prohibition laws (as opposed to the profiteers) are either too stupid to understand, or too blinded by the certainty of their beliefs to be educated about, the true nature of prohibition laws. Time and again, against all evidence, they act as if these laws are an appropriate and effective use of power to advance their pet agenda.

    From the right, that often connects to a desire to use power to coerce people into acting in an arbitrarily “moral” manner, whereas from the left, it more often stems from an ironically paternalistic belief that some people (prostitutes, drug users) are incapable of making decisions for themselves and therefore must be coerced for their own good.

    Not only are both extremes completely and offensively wrong from a humanistic standpoint, they are wrong practically as well.

    Prohibition doesn’t save lives. It ruins them.

    Another victim of the drug war.
    Including media ignorance educated to the young.

    Rape dwr

    Scott Greenfield does an excellent job discussing the latest outrageous bodily intrusion serving the war on drugs: A New Low: Vaginal Probes At The Border

    WTF's Up with New Mexico?
    Have they been annexed by Texas?

    The Aʂʂhole Police

    GOP Rape Insurance...


    Alaska Organizers say they have more than enough signatures to get pot legalization vote on ballot.

    More Incremental Retardation...
    I thought Alaska was legal with their Constitution...

    Use or display of any amount or possession of less than 1 ounce of marijuana is a class B misdemeanor punishable by up to 90 days imprisonment and/or a fine up to $2,000. However, if the use, display, or possession was for personal use and occurred in the confines of the offender's private residence, there is no penalty and this act is protected under the Alaskan constitutional right to privacy. It is class A misdemeanor punishable by up to 1 year imprisonment and/or a fine up to $10,000 to possess 1 ounce or more but less than 4 ounces of marijuana. However, if the possession was for personal use and occurred in the confines of the offender's private residence, there is no penalty and this act is protected under the Alaskan constitutional right to privacy.
    So they want to tax it, as if there was never a real threat to health. Or the threat doesn't out weigh the taxes. Still can't sell it with a state Constitution because the Feds own it with the Raich decision. But like Nixon, let's pretend. So in essence they are daring the Feds to waste funds busting them. These almighty law and order people seem pretty selective on laws they choose to follow. When it does not qualify as a Federally Controlled Substance by any of the thousands of papers written and available. Barter with Insanity. Now its the perception it might cause the kids. The message was bogus but it looked good enough to fool boomers but not these next generations?
    a nearly complete package of legislation that regulate how the state grows, processes and sells the drugs. It also outlines the uses of the drug in Alaska.​
    Does that really need comment? State?
    The petition also suggests a $50-per-ounce tax at the retail level.​
    Mason Tvert, with the Marijuana Policy Project, said the laws presented in the Alaska petition booklets puts Alaska's tax in line with Colorado and Washington state, the only two states where voters have decided to make marijuana legal.

    The last statement is total Bullshit Mason and you know it. CA is the only state without limits or conditions making it the only state legal for recreational purposes by the people, without no stinkin bodges. Not to please the tax man or cops or to maybe hand out to the prisons for their loss. Ridiculous, and I'm still waiting for an answer. Desperation for laws? Break that down to those who will treat the sick with Ganja and those waiting for laws and watching them suffer in the meantime. Not the America I grew up in. Nixon lied, it is not a hazard, menace or unhealthy. It has medicinal value and too many have walked away to say its addictive. Everybody knows. WTF is the problem? Why aren't the 58% demanding truth and reality instead of these lawyer games step by step inch by inch... Niagara Falls!
    There's also a local option in the Alaska petition's proposed laws, meaning local communities could vote to ban the sale of marijuana.
    CA supreme court ruled selling it was not under the jurisdiction of the state and they could not raid dispensaries. I don't see this as a state matter. I do see what the initiative grants Calvina Inc. if they don't like it? What in the hell happened to this place? Its the fucking safest god damn substance in the enfuckingtire pharmacopia, going back to the late 1800's Indian Hemp to La Guardia, Whooton and Heath busted for sabotaging brain damage tests Reagan flaunted as proof. Knowing they hid and banned research on brain tumors. Knowing it reduces seizures in children and they just sit on their god damn asses?

    And now this is becoming a joke...
    Maybe a prank from Ed?
    I want some answers! Some secret plot, whatever, but this shit is causing real people to suffer. Every month a new threat, a new temporary fix and all the drama without science. People who have absolutely NO business being concerned with other individuals seem to still get media attention. Proof of dumbing down that even the basics. Vested interest being a conflict of interest, has no apparent relevance. Profiteers like Lieman and Sabet the elephant boy, Welfare Queen Calvina or Califano rehabilitation asylums. Piss tests cop forfeitures and confiscations, anal cavity searches for running a stop sign. This total lack of respect for the citizens from the militarized police acting like its their turf and we should be damn lucky they let us live here. Bullshit! This land is made for you and me not no damn international corporation selling more synthetics with Hemp out of the picture. That some act as if its just a big ole fat coincidence. Or international Pharmaceutical conglomerates with subsidiaries in the farm poisoning and gmo business not having to share or lose profits to we peoples growing it in our herb garden or organic fields. Tangible reality ignored and the "excerpts" just say no.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lin-a2lTelg"]Everybody knows - Leonard Cohen - YouTube

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