Possible Webbed Penis?

Discussion in 'Genitalia' started by Holden_C, Jun 14, 2019.

  1. Holden_C

    Holden_C Members

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    I saw an earlier post about how to measure your penis and it got me thinking about this...

    When I go to put a condom on, it doesn't go all the way on, there is at least an inch at the base uncovered.

    Is that the same for everyone?

    If not I'm wondering if I have a partially webbed penis. My parents had said before how after my circumscion they had to go back to the doctor because the skin was stuck and the doctor had to cut the skin that was tight.

    Now, my penis is an inch shorter underneath because my scrotum is so tight against it than it is on top.

    Anyways, to make a long story short (no pun intended) is it normal to have such a difference in length, or is it just me?

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