Possible sixth sense? Hand-mind coordination

Discussion in 'Mind Games' started by mrdude, Jun 1, 2007.

  1. mrdude

    mrdude Member

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    When ever I get bored or feel over whelmed I like to retreat to my room to think and just be with myself, well last night I realised something that truly perplexes me. It's pitch black in my room, I have no window, the hall that my door opens into, has no windows, and their wasn't much light outside anyway. Yet no matter what I can still touch the tips of my pointer fingers together. I can't see my own hands, I can't feel them until after they've made contact, and I certainly can't taste, hear , or smell them. How can I continue to do this over and over?

    Try it, go to a completely dark space and spread your arms completely apart, and touch your 2 pointer fingers together, put one hand behind your back and one hand in front, and do it again. No matter where your hands start they will always easily find each other. (Mine did at least)

    After thinking about it all day, I see no other explanation that my mind is somehow aware of the location of my hands. I know that doesn't sound like much, but hear me out. Of course your mind controls everything your hands do so it will always know the "relative" location via the eyes. That is it will always know where your hand is in relation to other objects that you can visibly see. But I cannot visibly see either of my hands, therefore my mind must realize the location of both hands relative to each other also known as the "absolute" location of your hands without reliance on any of the known senses. Weird huh?

    If anyone can explain, please do.
  2. PurpleGel

    PurpleGel Senior Member

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    you don't see with your eyes at all--you see with your brain.

    ... once you get that, you'll realize that touching your fingers together in that dark has nothing to do with corneas, retinas, or any other part of the anatomical eyeball. thus, "vision" subsides somewhere in the brain, right? (this is a rhetorical question; visual imagery, as we experience it, is indeed a byproduct of neurocellular firing in various regions of the brain responsible for creating the visual phenomena.)

    furthermore, your brain has areas (separate from those that process visual stuff) dedicated to understanding the body's location and position in three dimensional space. your conclusion that the "mind is somehow aware of the location of your hands" is totally correct.

    and another thing to think about when you're doing this finger exercise in the dark is that while you say it doesn't utilize the "touch" sensation ("i can't feel them until after they've made contact..."), you're not recognising that it isn't just your fingers moving through space but, in fact, your hands and arms and many muscle groups in your body--which are connected. lots of internal "feeling" going on--all feedbacking to your brain circuitry which is constantly calculating these movements and updating their positions relative the the rest of the body. the senses can be sneaky. not to mention deceptive, but deception is a whole other topic.

    if you like this kind of science and thinking, you would likely enjoy delving into some psychology coursework or research articles--there are tons of fascinating topics in sensation and perception.
  3. Stiney

    Stiney Member

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    Its called physical memory, you have probably touched the tips of your fingers together thousands of times without realising it, the particular position and tension of your muscles and the nerves ajoining them have been recognised and logged in your memory thousands apon thousands of times, this relative tension is in your memory no different to all your other physical memories like hot things are sore to touch or thin sharp thigs cause sudden pain. It is the sense of touch that is causing this not an extra sense.

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