hi guys, please help me find out if these are liberty caps. i found them in the uk, in a hilly field full of cow manure facing north. peace!
They look legit to me Test for a peelaboe pellicle and take a spore print. The print ahould be blackish purple
is this a liberty cap? i found it a few years ago, but i am testing my ability to identify before setting out on a hunting trip. Let me know what you think!
50/50 chance Rose, it's a little skanky though, even if it is a lib... I'd leave that one alone and go check on some others. Definitely better specimens out there.. Like 5H00M's.
Be careful!! I've never tried this before but... hm!! I think I'd rather just buy shrooms/spores from truly reputable sources! So many killer fungi out there haha
I've seen several online sources for spores, but I've always wondered if their sales are being tracked by law enforcement. Eve if the spores are legal where you live, you might be on someone's list.
could probably hit that shit don't think there are any truly toxic varieties of near stature That is regarding the op's example.