Hello all, This is my first post here and I wanted to know if anyone had experienced something similar. I have been experimenting with anal play. 3 Days ago I worked my way up to a soft dildo that is at most 6.5 inches and about 1.5 thick. I used poppers but I always would relax myself. When I was done I drank a smoothie and had immediate diarrhea and I also coughed afterward and noticed a ringlike pain in my low abs, probably where the curve of the sigmoid is and then sometimes on the left side of the sigmoid. The pain comes and go as a throb, nothing that would impede me. When I eat i can feel the food traveling as the area is throbbing. I went to the doctor and he did not seem to worry and prescribed me some hycosamine. He seems to think it is just spasms because the sigmoid was moved out of place. I did develop a sore throat and have had a cough but the sore throat appears to be getting better, I know poppers lower immune defense and I work in a grocery store so that is a possibility. I have had diarrhea since then and lumpy stool and some grains I have noticed cannot be digested. I think that is because I probably messed up the flora of the gut. I am a bad hypochondriac and am wondering if anyone has ever experienced something similar. I do not have a fever or anything else.