Pope Francis today called capitalism "a new tyranny". He said The full paper is here Some Challenges of Today's World So, to the Republican Party in America, free markets and trickle-down economics are dogma. They refuse to listen to any suggestions that they don't work, but the fact is, they don't. And now, the Pope says this dogma is un-Christian.
The corporatocracy has the world by the jugular jiggling gonads and it's model of free market competition is fascist. Geez don't blame the catholics, you gots to unplug from the consumptive matrix.
Is this 'anti-Catholic'? Wealth of Roman Catholic Church impossible to calculate It is impossible to calculate the wealth of the Roman Catholic Church. In truth, the church itself likely could not answer that question, even if it wished to. Its investments and spending are kept secret. Its real estate and art have not been properly evaluated, since the church would never sell them. There is no doubt, however, that between the church’s priceless art, land, gold and investments across the globe, it is one of the wealthiest institutions on Earth. http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/03/08/wealth-of-roman-catholic-church-impossible-to-calculate/
Good for him? If you don't think the Democrats are entirely invested in capitalism then you're even more naive than I thought.
I'm not sure the dems are behind the trickle down voodoo. At least they have said they are not. But they're fully invested , all right. Never thought too much of the Catholic church, what with their troubled history and tight control over their adherents, however when the head man says get out and get your shoes dirty working for the poor--now that's progress,IMO. Astute observations have not been a hallmark of the institution, but this observation is one that either one sees or does not see, by being too invested in the making of and the PRAISING of those that cling to the idea that amassing inordinate wealth is the sole purpose of humanity. He wants (it seems) a "new day" for the organization and to shed some of the old ways in favor of those left behind by the present system. Laudable. Unfortunately, the idea of helping poor folks lift themselves from poverty, will fall on deaf ears when it it comes to giving all those "lazy welfare bums" a hand up. Maybe this Pope will bring the church into the 21st century, regardless of the 'kicking and screaming' of the entrenched.
Yes, if you're referring to me--I'm not an expert at much ---but I have opinions. The above is an opinion from me. Oh yeah--take it or leave it. Or explain the sarcasm.
You can find examples of both the right's and the left's economic policies hurting economies when taken to the extreme. The left can hurt economies by over regulating and the right can hurt economies by under regulating. Hugo Chavez tried to help the poor with artificially cheap gasoline. That led to gas smuggling across borders to neighboring countries to earn a profit off that cheap gas. Reagan deregulated Savings and Loans. That led to fraud involving S&Ls. So both sides need well thoughtout regulations.
The pope is playing good cop. Just because the Republicans are bad, doesn't mean the pope is good for chastising them, since he represents what is by far the most insidious institution in the world. It's really funny how some of you liberals hate religion, yet you will get behind some sick pedophile religion when someone who represents that sick pedophile religion says what you want to hear. I am not a fan of the Republicans or that creepy bastard Pope Francis. And besides, economics have NOTHING to do with Democrat and Republican, since the controllers of money control BOTH political parties. The game of politics is an illusion designed to get you to take sides. Let's face it, the Democrats aren't doing anything good either. Just look at the piece of shit in office right now. More harm has been done under this president than under any other president before him. Reading shit like this just annoys me because is sounds so fucking DUMB. Are some of you really that devoid of critical thinking skills?
I have enough critical thinking skills to not project the pedo activities of some catholic priests on the current pope. Or was that just you being funny? Pedophile religion, very clever. Did you watch South park again? Just a heads up: that's comedy I agree you have a point or 2 in that post but imo you kind of ruin it with the added nonsense.
I'm yo huckleberry. This is a skillful critique? It takes no critical thinking skills to be fond or not of something. Everybody doesn't like something so this observation puts you on a par with any fucking dumb thing alluded to. I know you are not dumb, maybe just unaware of the effective proportions of your own thinking. You cannot effectively appreciate any phenomena that you have decided unworthy even if in fact that phenomena were essential. If you assess a thing by length and height only you fail to comprehend depth and thus any full or definite proportion. If you let your tasteful opinions be your guide in apprehending what is so then you will have grasped no substantial accounting method. Since the controllers of money control both political then they have everything to do with democrat and republican. But who controls the controllers and the controlled? The idea that money is valuable or equals human value. The idea that money dictates the quality of life or of living effort makes it seem that you must care more or less for things instead of realizing that a real comparison is one to one. That is profit is based on variable rates of exchange but the energetic truth of you and I is for every action there is and equal and complimentary reaction and this applies to the specter even of our own reasoning. The world can only appear to you equal your assessment of it They are all the same but this particular piece of shit is more the same than all the others? Let's face it, you don't know how to add.
I'd just like to ask: can anyone give a concrete example of a time when the 'trickle down' theory did actually work. I seem to recall that this was the idea of the Hoover administration in America back in the early 30's during the great depression. It didn't work then. (And lest I be pulled up on it, neither did the 'new deal)'. But it's not only the US republicans who have this idea. It's the same in the UK under Cameron's tories. Meantime the rich get richer while the poor get poorer and those in the middle are squeezed. As for Pope Francis, let's wait and see how his reforms go. If he can succeed in reforming the Catholic Church that would be a step in the right direction. It will probably be an easier mission than reforming global capitalism.
Plucked from today's news I would say this shows a bit of a disconnect between Wall Street and Main Street. The 1% are doing so well while the middle class is disappearing.
Consumerism is an entertainment industry, concentrated or monolithic power is it's fascist overtone. It's method of control is sensual hypnosis.