For all you aspergians out there."]Popcorn Popping in Super Slow Motion - YouTube
the magic starts at 0:53"]How a Slinky falls in Slow Motion - The Slow Mo Guys - YouTube
lets be honest the reason we watch is to see it actually pop so when they show so much footage of it flying in the air all that im thinking is show the next one popping. but watching that very last one spin off the screen at the end...well that one was cool so glad they left that one in.
I was taught that you put a few in to let them pop first while the oil heats up and when they pop then you start putting the rest in. Popping corn is one of my kid's favorite things to do...we do it in a huge stainless steel pan.
if you filled the pan up you wouldnt be able to see the individual kernal pop, there would be to much to look at.