Yes go with the cheaper option to hell with the obviously more beneficial & efficient one it costs too damn much
Need some creative rednecks with a backhoe. Just get some of that shit into a dump truck and deliver it onto a politicians lawn..
You should see the 'poop trucks' at Heathrow airport unloading the 747s after a long flight. About 20 tons a day are pumped into the local sewer. They are the airport engineers favorite job when they go wrong or a flexible hose bursts. LMAO.
what a waste treated correctly its used in many places as a fertilizer instead of just landfilling it
Wait. Aren't you guys thrilled that Alabama voted in a Democrat. Hell everyone here praised them as I recall. Now that they did that, they are a great place for shit now. Thanks for the insight.
To put this in perspective, already 95% of humanity lives near the big coastal cities around the world and those numbers are growing faster than our population. Within fifty years the main interstate 90 corridor on the east coast of the US will require no less than 18 lanes one way unless flying cars and other inventions can ease the traffic load. Civilization has been importing everything it can dirt cheap all along, and exporting their own crap and weapons. Which is why, of course, there are now so few people living in the country compared to the over 300 million people in the US today. The world is rapidly becoming a much smaller place as not only our population has grown, but our technology has made more of it cheaply accessible.
Actually, they should compost it like the Chinese do, but environmentalism does not extend to creating a mess you can smell for miles around as far as Americans are concerned. Ideally, NYC would find a way to recycle all of their own waste and put it to productive use, rather than shipping it all over the country and burying it. Welcome to the modern wage slave economy, where the environment and everything else takes a back seat to making a profit.
Did you watch the video? They used to use it for agriculture. They stopped because landfilling it is cheaper.
Its only cheaper for the same reason its cheaper to buy plastic crap from Walmart that is shipped half-way around the world, because money and the gun still do all the talking worth listening to. However, soon robots and computers will make sweat shops and shipping crap all around the world too expensive, unreliable, and prone to counterfeiting. Part of the industrial revolution was merely figuring out the advantages of locating your factories near the sources of raw materials and cheap transportation, such as coal, iron, and rivers for the steel industry. Today, entire automated factories can be located in the middle of nowhere, near the source of raw materials, even if that means at the sewage plant for NYC.
I think the liberals should start a fund to help the poor Alabamaians get rid of that pile of crap the Republicans must be responsible for putting there. I mean damn, they just provided a senate seat to the Dems. Surely they should be bailed out now. GoFundMe #SaveAlabamaFromShit
I think the liberals should start advertising Alabama's problem as the result of their conservative politics coming back to haunt them. Evil smells are the work of the devil!
Can you please get off my nuts. Youre missing the point and barking up the wrong tree. All i am saying is that yes they did used to compost it and now they dont because landfilling it is cheaper. I agree that sucks.
Its funny is what is what it is, that all the conservative crap coming out of southern states has led to liberal cities like NY shipping it all back in their faces. For all practical purposes, liberal and conservative are synonyms for urban and rural.