This youtube song is a parody of the Queen song Bohemian Rhapsody. I guess it is preaching to most people here. Big pharma wants the public to become hypochondriacs.
Thanks for that, Bilby. (embed assist)"]Bohemian Polypharmacy - YouTube "medications can kill a man" .. YUP YUP YUP
Big pharma is pure evil. The scam they've got running with the contrived cholesterol scare and millions of people on unnecessary, DEADLY statin drugs is appalling enough and nothing short of criminal.
I certainly can't speak for Big Pharma (especially since I don't even have a doctor, but go to the chiropractor occasionally)...but regarding medicines and how there is a pill for is society and the media that greatly encourages everybody to GET A PILL (or surgery) to fix every little thing. (imo) Big Pharma is just cashing in on what I consider a combination of things: people want a Quick Fix for everything AND (for some reason many old-timers like me can't understand) people think they need to be pain-free every minute of their lives. LOL! Living is about experiencing some pain - both emotional and physical - and learning how to deal with it. THC works wonders for both emotional and physical hurts, and is natural. Although it (thc) may not be the answer for everyone, I'd be willing to bet it has helped a lot more than it has hurt...although probably nobody will ever be allowed to see that study. ok, that's all folks.
I had a drug induced neuroleptic seizure that damn near killed me and gave me permanent damage. Yes, I'm inclined to be aware .. after having read countless accounts .. in addition to my own terrifying, horrifying experience.
please don't quote my posts anymore...paraphrase things I do..."Phantom"....yeah, ok....leave me alone period.
Well Moonglow, I don't know what your problem is with me. First you thought I gave you neg rep, when I didn't. We got along just fine. Then you unfriended me .. why, I don't know. And I didn't bother to ask you because I could gather as much that you're skittish. I'm not your problem. I don't know who or what is, but I'm not it. If you don't want me to respond to you, then don't make snide remarks like you did.
I don't have a problem with her but in this thread, I've confirmed that she has a problem with me. I don't know what her problem is but she's free to discuss it with me in public or private.
I don't know what the problem is....maybe not of your making...that phantom thing was weird...who were you referring to as the phantom....? I had played phantom of the opera here a few days before, for instance. timing may have struck me oddly.....
u come in a thread about orgone pyramids...when that was my opening topic here...I thought how great...a soul that understands.....and then play don't fear the tell someone on your lights shining in your window thread that i was all right....or fineor something....who are you to speak for me?....and on and on...until the whole thing just got weirder and weirder.....and went to hell.
I stared a thread in Random Thoughts a few days ago. The topic is *has anyone shown you the door to your heart* or something like that. Then I wrote *I ask on behalf of the phantom*, which means the concept of the topic was a "random thought" that passed through my stream of consciousness. The phantom would be consciousness. Actually, orgone pyramids was something *you* brought to a topic I started about electromagnetic toxicity. I learned about orgone pyramids from you. We share something in common: we both like music. A lot. In that same thread, electromagnetic toxicity, you played a song by Queen. I had fun with it and wanted to play song association (like the game pic association, which I had been playing in those two threads at the time, so "song association" was an extension of "pic association"). The first song that came to mind, in response to Queen, was whatever I put there. If it was don't fear the reaper, then that's what it was. I also just shared that song (electric harp version) a day or two ago. I happen to LOVE that song. It didn't mean anything on any level. The night someone shined a light in my window while driving past my house .. yeah, it pissed me off so I stared a thread about it. You, and everybody else in that thread, don't know it but somebody .. just days before that happened .. had been sending text message death threats to my daughter. I was pissed off, and the responses I was getting in that thread from people who don't have a clue pissed me off even more. But I didn't have a problem with *you* .. you were fine, you weren't the problem and you weren't the one pissing me off. I'm more that willing to clarify anything at any time for anyone. People only need to ask. For what it's worth .. new computer coming in the mail this week. No orgone pyramid yet, can't afford everything all at once. Can't wait to find out if the new computer is going to make a difference.
Well, then apparently, we have been on different wave lengths in some respects, and that is no one's fault.....just misunderstandings....I do not like to be mad at is a waste of energy.....It sucks.
I understand and I agree. I like peace and civility and that's what I *need*. I'm like everyone else .. I have to help BUILD those things. But we do live in a world with an atmosphere of contention (online and the ground-level reality), and we've been living in war, crises and terror for decades. It's a lot of work to manage mind and emotion under those conditions.
You wrote: My response to that specific piece: I then acknowledged "different wave lengths" in saying, Of course people are on different wave lengths .. we live in a hostile environment. We have to BUILD peace and civility. Then our "wave lengths" will be more tranquil and less turbulent. Less misunderstandings.
I think we're both managing just fine. There was an issue, resolution is a work in progress. I think it's going well. I'm curious .. what did you think of the video?