Politics and Anarchists

Discussion in 'Conspiracy' started by Beach Ball Lady Balls, Jun 4, 2020.

  1. Beach Ball Lady Balls

    Beach Ball Lady Balls Banned

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    Yes they called themselves after that low budget film. Boogaloos are not actually right wing! left wing Antifa people used the name after a joke meme. Look them up on Facebook. Boogaloo bois. Simply memes, They are really left wing anarchists. ANTIFA, who are fascists, libertarians believe that With classical liberalism there is an approval of the government involvement and banks. The classic liberalism calls libertarians right wing, but they are more left actually. Classic liberals call them the following: right libertarianism, but they are Egalitarian and believe the idea that all humans are equal in fundamental worth or moral status and that all citizens of a state should be accorded exactly equal rights. They further believe in a free market economy like Switzerland. like many of you have commented on with Regards to Switzerland having a great left wing system. They also believe that Natural resources are for the people. They are left wing anarchist, they are antifa, not boogaloo bois. Did you see those Hawaii shirts running around all over the marches? Anarchist do not want to stand out in a crowd. they do not believe in state control.

    Oscar Wilde in his book, the souls of a man under socialism, “Art is individualism, and individualism is a disturbing and disintegrating force. There lies its immense value. For what it seeks is to disturb monotony of type, slavery of custom, tyranny of habit, and the reduction of man to the level of a machine.”. I agree with this on the surface, and don’t get me wrong, I loved some of his writing, but he wanted a societies of most favourable artists. All society must be subordinate to the artist, art is the supreme end, individualism was not actually about individualism ...Wilde was an anarchist —-aesthete, which is art groups collectively who believed that art should be beautiful rather than having a deeper meaning — "art for art's sake". in literature the Arts should provide refined sensuous pleasure, rather than convey moral or sentimental messages. Life must copy Beautiful art. Control of how people think and what they do, how they do it, One must fight the tyranny! The boring people, the non artists. Those that are not creative and make beautiful things is the problem. He was also a libertarian, firmly a libertarian and would have rejected classic liberalism with violence, joined the crowd.

    individual anarchist, they are in groups with a collective thought and mutual goal, not actually individuals and spread collective thoughts.

    if the individual has the right to govern oneself, all external government is tyranny! This is equal to self determination, hmmm, where have I heard self determination before?

    This is a personal decision to do something or think a certain way? Oh look, there is a pile of bricks, that were left there by radical anarchists Marxists/ socialists who supplied the masses with rocks, which enabled the sheep to decide what to do with those rocks and bricks. Are you a sheep or an individual? Oh they are looting, let’s join in, why not? Did people follow the lead of groups of anarchists? Has this thought of destruction been something that has been drilled into peoples head, Brewing, stirred by media and groups! did these people follow someone or a groups lead? Are individuals responsible for their part in destruction? Are they responsible for their own actions? are they individual anarchist who decided to pick up that brick, loot people, beat people, kill civilians, destroy livelihoods? Film, watch, celebrate it all?

    I see a bunch of sheep. Don’t question BLM. Don’t question media. Don’t question people who are politically driven for an ultimate goal,, oh and don’t look into Obama or question him. He is god! If any government is believed to have a clean slate, perfect! There is something really wrong, Don’t question what is told to you, don’t wonder if it is true, Just believe blindly. Don’t blame us, blame them and don’t question them either Whose fault is this? Are you an individual?

    The only innocent one in all this is the one who died, George Floyd and those who died and innocent people who had nothing to do with this but were destroyed financially, became homeless, or beaten for nothing but the pleasure of creating terror.

    You gotta wonder how a guy fawkes mask became a symbol of freedom rather than seen as a terrorist! Back in his time he was the definition of a terrorist, but today he would not be considered one as his target was not civilians,

    Whether guy fawkes was a terrorist or not is up for debate, but he never targeted civilians. which today is what terrorists are. So how can anarchists bring such shame on the guy fawkes mask? How can the bring such shame to this country and claim to not be terrorists? Who has created this fear and how?
  2. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    The post is too long to read, but given a choice to believe the mainstream media who have proclaimed the Boogaloos, right wing extremists,
    or your misguided conspiracy theory that they are in fact left wing radicals, the choice is clear.
    granite45 likes this.
  3. Beach Ball Lady Balls

    Beach Ball Lady Balls Banned

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    Lol. Yes I agree it is too long, but it isn’t misguided. It is in conspiracy theories because I don’t post in the political section anymore. If you think it is misguided, explain why... rather than just stating it, perhaps?
    Guy fawkes would be ashamed of some anarchists today. They are not freedom fighters in the USA..
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2020
  4. granite45

    granite45 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Oh that the left had the power the right and the right who have morphed into fascists claim. Maybe then we would be facing a tsunami of love, tolerance, respect and understanding. We should be so lucky as to see the resurrection of the Hippies.
  5. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    I'll love the free association of artists . Sometimes the condition gets considered illegal , too
    beautiful to exist , and that is in essence a schizoid mental-illness . In desperation the artists
    may try being organized ... ha ha ha . Actually , art will retreat to the world of god .
    Beach Ball Lady Balls likes this.

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