Would you date someone with totally different political beliefs to yourself beliefs or would that put you off?
it's probably less likely to work out in the long run, but i wouldn't turn down a first date over it.
My political beliefs are due to my value system and moral compass. I wouldnt date someone with a different value system and moral compass.
I mean, maybe? I'm currently dating someone with different religious beliefs and things are working fine. So different political beliefs could work too
I'm open to it. But what Meliai says makes sense, so only if it doesn't mean she also has a completely different set of norms and values. Which of course doesn't have to be the case. Not everyone with a political mindset that could be seen as opposite to mine is that different.
Dating a drop dead beautiful woman politically opposite from me! v Absooooolutely I'd be some good back n forth conversations that could definitely open up different points of view on certain subjects possibly for both of us. I wouldn't take anything political she had to say personal and if she didn't take anything politically personal I said, future dates would continue. I agree with Bagel on having different religious beliefs working out while dating (I've been there done that and still doing it). Can't see why being politically opposite would be any different.
Yeah to clarify, I dont think different political beliefs automatically translates to different values. It just depends Actually this topic always makes me think of an acquaintance of mine . He's a ..:shudder: ...Trump supporter, lol. But oddly enough he probably has more integrity than anyone I've ever known. So that's someone who doesnt think like me politically at all but our values still align
I think for me a difference in political is generally ok, it's more their attitude towards people and said beliefs is what might put me off (militantly conservative or liberal etc).
The odd thing is i really don't have any political beliefs. I'm pretty clueless when it comes to politics. Or any other topic i find boring. It does make it awkward when people talk about politics to me and i'm not sure of how to respond when asked questions about it.
I would not; particularly not right now because we all hear so frequently how we're at odds with one another on the news, in the paper, online/twitter/facebook or whatever else. If it weren't totally in our faces constantly, sure totally no problem at all. But you sort of have your head in the sand if you want that right now.