As I sit here in my chair Time seems almost still I've been here so long but I feel so weary, like I'm growing old I do not move, not one bit I imagine roots growing from my feet Tearing through my shoes Cracking though hard tile Coursing through cold soil far beyond buried treasures lost. If a mirror could reveal the soul I wonder if my hair would be grey or white would I see wrinkles around my eyes or blue veins in my hands 20 years have passed, like grains of desert sand Carried by the winds Thrown to the celestial sky How old am I again? I remember now, I'm quite young with far to go, with my long path to tread Not knowing what loves will blossom Ignorant of heartbreaks ahead Unaware of summers ephemeral pleasures Winters scars Letters saved, or burned, or lost Or warm words carried in the heart Like the bread of life to let the spirit live Old memories of a fading kiss Hidden in the deepest shadows of the mind, to be treated like a sacred relic Yes, I'm young - Naive of what lay ahead Excited in my inexperience But a little worn from travelling this far tired of goodbyes, fleeting friends and passing cities I dont know if any of them remember me or if I left my mark Maybe its better to not look behind Out of fear I'll turn into a pillar of salt I will look ahead and carry on Travelling until this road is done And finally when I reach the end Maybe, just, maybe then I might trace back those old steps again :sunny:
Pretty beautiful man. I love the word usage, evokes colors in my mind and I'm not even in one of my vibes.