Interesting opinions from podiatrists on barefooting at home during the virus shutdowns... Going Barefoot All Day at Home Is Risky, According to Podiatrists
I actually have to agree with one comment from the article: “People walking barefoot at home also tend to stub their toes.” I've injured my feet much more in the house than outside...and I've hiked the Rocky Mountains. I think it's because I'm not paying as much attention and hit my toe on a chair or something.
Par for the oppressive course. I remember when I first looked at Reebok shoes with pointed toes and thought...” this looks like it would hurt my feet.” Then I looked at the package and it said........”Approved by the American Podiatric Association” I wore those shoes for years. Guess what my feet look like now. So much for Podiatrists..
People only go to podiatrists if they have a problem. What better way to drum up business than telling people to wear shoes all the time.
Hey, I broke the same toe twice in the shower. A solid pair of steel toe boots would have saved me. They would be rusty...but the toe would have escaped injury. And yes...he is an advisor for a shoe store. I am sure he can find footwear for every occasion if we are fool enough to buy it.
being a conspiracy theorist kinda guy I feel podiatrists have a vested interest in people NOT having healthy feet and strong foot joints and muscles. if we all had strong healthy feet there would not be a need of podiatrists. "oh you'll get fallen arches"- yeah I'm 63 have gone barefoot all my life and I have nice high strong arches. SMH
Amazing reading these articles - absolute bulls**t. How can they be experts when they come out with this garbage? But many people will believe it! I guess the issue is as most people have no intention of living barefoot and the thought doesn’t even occur that you can, the answer to foot problems must always be another pair of shoes or orthotics that knacker your feet further. If the likes of us countered their arguments they’d just say going barefoot is unsafe but without trying how could they know?
Since I am barefoot more often than not the arthritis in my right foot has disappeared after suffering for four years! Doctors suck.
being barefoot cured me of having perpetually cold feet. once i was cold with a hot water bowl , now i feel all right while walking over frozen grass.
Nudegartner, do you perform gardener work in the nude ? because in MY garden, prickly plants sting my ass through denim trousers