pledge of allegiance

Discussion in 'Consumer Advocacy' started by guardian_tnaos, Sep 9, 2005.

  1. guardian_tnaos

    guardian_tnaos Member

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    OMG!! my homeroom teacher is trying to make me stand for the pledge. she said it is disrespectful to her if stay seated. i actually read a website page that said specifically that the supreme court ruled that sitting during the pledge is freedom of speech and i can do it to protest. it said that i can SIT. well, i wasn't taking that shit so i took it up w/ the principal. i printed the page and highlighted the source. conversation as follows

    me: i am having a problem with my homeroom teacher. she wants me to stand for the pledge and i refuse to do it.

    him: well you have to

    me: i have this paper from a student rights source that says differently.

    i handed it to him, he read it and...

    him: why can't you just stand and not say the pledge

    me: bc that shows that i am standing for something i don't believe in. standing is still supporting. and i do not, and i will not

    him: well, i'm gonna look into it, but plz just for today, for the sake of peace, stand.

    me: okay, but only until you contact the schoolboard so they can tell you that i can sue you if you try to make me stand.

    i left his office and skipped class until homeroom was over. seriously, can he make me stand? that's bullshit. is there any info anyone can give me? something i can tell him next time?
  2. drew172

    drew172 Senior Member

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    i have some the pledge of allegiance like the national anthem?....i really dont understand it cuz we dont have one of those in why dont you want to stand? is there a reason you choose not to show support?
  3. SLammon420

    SLammon420 Senior Member

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    i don't see the point in not standing for the pledge! i mean without this country, you wouldn't be able to sit down during it because this country is what gives you the right to free speech...why don't you move to china and try that shit because you will get put in your is disrespctful to say "i'm not gonna stand and honor this country because i have free speech rights" because this country gave you those rights! stupid kids always trying to rebel against shit that doesn't even need to rebelled against.
  4. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    I attend lots of meetings with the pledge and some have (usually Christian) prayer added. I have no "King" but HaShem, so I do not salute a piece of fabric (neither would I burn it, but that is only me. THe right to do soo should have been protected. Funny how those folks who wanted to protect the flag care much less for the Constitution)
    I stand in both instances as a sign of respect for those who do believe in it.
    THey have the right to say it, I have the right not to, but I choose not to make people uncomfortable. I have had to explain only once in a year.

    Perhaps a peaceful solution would be for you to quietly slip into the hall for two minutes?
  5. Megara

    Megara Banned

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    standing shows respect for others. I stand during the national anthems of other countries and i do not support what they say at all.

    You should stand out of respect. You dont have to, though. We cant force you to be decent and respectful :p
  6. deadhead123654

    deadhead123654 Banned

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    ur are making to big of deal out of something that is no big deal.. i dont say the pledge either, but i dont make a scene out of it like u r... i just stand silently
    no need to be a dick about america either, america is one of the greatest countries to live in..
  7. 61_model

    61_model Member

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    Well isn't that special. You dont "believe" in America. What country do you "believe" in? Why don't you try going to some of those other "great" countries and see how much freedom you have. You'd be crying like a baby, wanting your mommie. America ain't perfect, but its alot better than most!
  8. Raving Sultan

    Raving Sultan Banned

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    i never realized how subversive the pledge was until i got older. dont stand, make the biggest scene possible within your rights while you still have them.
  9. Ash_Freakstreet

    Ash_Freakstreet Hmm.... GROOVY!

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    sitting is cool, but giving a "Heil" salute is much cooler :p
  10. drew172

    drew172 Senior Member

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    welll said Slutter
  11. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    good words, Slutter (did I say that????!?!?!?)
    perhaps at such a young age this is the only "battle" the op faces?
    I think I fought for the rights of males to have pierced ears in my high school. Others were in a twist about skirt length...sigh..what we do....
  12. AT98BooBoo

    AT98BooBoo Senior Member

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    They can't make you stand during the Pledge. I went to school with some kids that were Jehovah's Witness's and they don't stand due to religeous belief.

    When I stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance and loyalty to what our country used to stand for, not what our country is today.

    I'm proud to be American but I'm ashamed of the government
  13. Megara

    Megara Banned

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    the pledge of allegiance isnt about pledging allegiance to the government. It is about pledging allegiance to liberty, justice, equality, etc. The "republic" is of course a government of the people, by the people and for the people, NOT george bush or anyone else. Why anyone would oppose such things is beyond me.
  14. SageDreamer

    SageDreamer Senior Member

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    Just wondering....why do we make kids say the Pledge of Allegiance in school anyhow?
  15. hippypaul

    hippypaul Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    I agree with most of the ideas above - but you have the right not to stand - the courts have been clear on that. You are the only one who can judge your actions. If this is an important issue for you then you should exercise your right and make a strong stand. You seem to have good research skills and I hope you look into political rights in general. Find out how we got them - what the threats to them are - and what can be done to keep and increase them.
  16. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    "I pledge allegience TO THE FLAG and the United States of America and TO THE REPUBLIC for which it stands, one nation, under g-d, indivisible with liberty and justice for all."the underlined part is a descriptive, not a direct object.

    Yeah, I diagrammed sentances and liked it. What a Freak.
    Perhaps we should pledge to bring about these things?
  17. Megara

    Megara Banned

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    was that supposed to contradict me?
  18. DaveHT

    DaveHT Member

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    I saw a clip on CNN either monday or tuesday that several schools went to court in California, stating that saying the pledge of allegiance was unconstitutional (specifally the part about one nation under God). The judge ruled that it was unconstitutional, and they no longer have to recite it. Of course it is being challenged by religius groups and is expected to be heard by a higher court. I'm going to look for the full story and will post a link if I can find it.
  19. Megara

    Megara Banned

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    No one has had to say the pledge for awhile now.

    Are you talking about michael newdow, or was there a fresh challenge?

    edit: found it..

    it was brought by Newdow again. Interesting, it looks like the supreme court will have to step in and decide and not skirt the issue this time.
  20. DaveHT

    DaveHT Member

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    No, that's the case. I just went and found it and read it. I guess next time i'll look for the link before posting, seeing a 30 sec clip on tv a couple days ago leads to not posting the correct facts lol.

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