does anyone know how i can change the title 'member' to one of my choice, am i allowed how do i ahve to subscribe?? s
what do you get when youve reached a 100 posts and what do you get when youve subscribed whats the difference anyone know?? s
Sure..... Click on 'Quick Links' (above) Go to edit profile Under where it says 'Custom User Title' type in what you want it to say
can i just say 'oh bugger but thanks anyway' what do people think is the difference between 100 posts and subscribing apart from that you can get a custom title? s
it pays for the bandwidth and storage space we use. keeps ads off....oh you mean what extra do you personally get....I think you still get a personel forum, you can store more PM's...I dunno. I seem to remember pics not being able to be linked or posted.....but I might be wrong.