Please Interpret My Dreams.

Discussion in 'Dreams' started by Jimbee68, Jan 9, 2016.

  1. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    I've been meaning to post this thread for some time now. It is about my dreams. I have had some interesting ones, especially lately.

    One of my favorites by far, is one that I had just a few months ago. My maternal grandmother died when I was barely 3. I really don't remember her at all. But I have been to her grave site many times. And I dreamed that they found her in her grave, in surprisingly good condition. A little graphic, I know. But it did bring up the issue of what would happen if I met my grandmother now. Because in my dream, they were able to revive her. As I said, she died when I was quite young. What would she think of me now?

    I have had many more interesting dreams. Some time back, I even started keeping a journal. They just are too good not to record, I think.

    Another common theme in my dreams, are places that only exist while I am asleep. There is this restaurant that only exists in my dreams. I could tell you exactly where it is, and what it looks like inside. And when I am asleep, I truly believe it is real. I even ironically wonder why I would ever doubt its existence when I am awake. Kind of weird, no?

    And then there is a sex shop of sorts, that I often dream of. Again, I could tell you where it is, more or less. But it only exists in my dream. It is kind of ironic too, though. I basically believe in anything that involves consenting adults. So it could be a manifestation of that. But again, why just in my dreams?

    I actually once read in a dream manual, that sex shops (or brothels specifically, it said) can be a manifestation of your waking fear of scandal in your life. But as I said, it is more a symbol of my somewhat libertarian beliefs now. I also have noticed that people often act differently, when they are in specific places. When you are in church, for example, you mental state is much different that when you are at home. Think about it.

    Anyways, I would love to share more with you all. Perhaps I will. But in the mean time, please feel free to expound on what I just shared.

    And while we're at it, what is the medical explanation for dreams? I recently asked a doctor friend of mine. And he just said, it is inconclusive at the moment. Is it really?

    :daisy: :sleeping: [​IMG]
  2. Blu3sLady

    Blu3sLady Members

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    I've read that dream or REM time is necessary for your over-all health. Sleep that never reaches those alpha brain waves does little to nothing in terms of providing rest and healing. We pop in and out of various brain wave patterns all night.

    Everybody dreams but not everyone remembers their dreams or even if they've had one. If apnea or some other physical situation keeps one from getting enough REM time, lots of nasty things can happen with tiredness being the least of it. At any rate, dreams are definitely interesting and well worth keeping a journal.

    However, I think dream interpretation is totally unique to the person having the dream, because usually dreams are symbolic rather than literal. I think Freud was wrong and there are no universal symbols. If you see an apple, for instance, in your dream... it'll have a personal significance that only matters to your brain. Dreams speak in the language of your perception. What a picture of an apple would mean for you isn't necessarily what it would mean to anyone else.

    A devoutly religious person might see the apple and interpret that in a Garden of Eden sort of way. Someone else might see that apple as a clue from their body to try and eat healthier. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."

    I don't have a lot of faith in universal dream interpretations.
  3. Bud D

    Bud D Member

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    Maybe your Grandmother's spirit is saying she is ok.

    I'd also guess your hungry and horny
  4. Blu3sLady

    Blu3sLady Members

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    The most interesting dream phenomena that I've had involved a serial dream that went on for years. I was back in school and each night the dream picked up right where the previous night's dream had left off. Luckily, it was college... which I loved and not high school... which was hell.
  5. Pieceofmyheart

    Pieceofmyheart Grumpy old bitch HipForums Supporter

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    I have places that only exist in my dreams also....2 houses and I have dreamed of those many times. I am in one and know it's home, but I don't feel at home and as I walk room to room, every room has a different "feel" to it. I know I have never seen these homes in my wake least not in this lifetime ;)

    I dream of my mom and one Aunt who have passed quite often, never at the same time though. Anyway, she always looks healthy, back for illness, and never speaks, just smiles. It seems to me she is saying "I'm here" in my head...but not out loud.
  6. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I won't attempt to interpret anyone else's dreams....but they are fed up from your sunconscious, i do believe....

    last night I dreamt I was running back and forth between 2 cinemas in the same cinema place, but at least a mile apart between the two I was running and back and forth to.....through streets and mall settings.....i ran back to one to get the glass of ice water I left there on the service counter they had with a man behind it....and just as i approached it, the man was pouring my water out....i said that was mine, and asked if he would please pour me another....and he said, ok, but then he didn't, and i waited and waited until the other movie where my mom was waiting and waited to be at the other place was just starting by the clock i was watching, so igave up waiting for my water and ran back to the other movie house to meet my mom and I was late.

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