Please help!!

Discussion in 'Oral Sex' started by EmmaB, Oct 3, 2013.

  1. EmmaB

    EmmaB Guest

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    Good morning guys:daisy:,

    So I'm new on here and could definitely use your help. I recently started seeing this gentleman(I use gentleman because he's a wee but older than me) and we seem to be having some positional issues. He's a little over weight(he has a beer gut) and not well endowed(I'm talking like 3" on a good day) and I'm more on the petite side. We don't seem to have a problem with vaginal sex but I really miss anal sex. We've tried a couple times but between his weight and his length he just can't get it in and we end up using a dildo. Don't get me wrong, I have a blast with it but I miss the pulsing and deep thrusts when he finally unloads, such an amazing feeling. I know he gets embarrassed by it and I would love to come to him with a solution. Now that you know what's going on, my question to you guys is: are there any guys/girls that have been on the receiving end of this and what position worked best for you? Or are there any guys that may have been on the giving end of this and what did you do please your better half:wink:?

    I know a lot of you may say to find someone that can satisfy my needs but he's a super sweet guy and treats me like gold. Any help you guys could give me would be awesome. And I apologize if my grammar and stuff is a little off, I'm just getting of work and I'm pretty sleepy.

    Thanks guys
  2. kurona

    kurona Member

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    I experimented with such before, i didnt like it... at all... I kept him as a friend, and let him be nice as much as he wanted from there...

    I dealt with a different guy with issues down there, what i did is? i made him a wear a strap on. babes, no matter what position you do its not gonna like add an inch to his cock.... I mean i assume you already have it all in already.

    but whatever... id say just plain doggy with you spreading your ass with your hands ... thats gonna be strenuous though... ...... em....
  3. EmmaB

    EmmaB Guest

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    Thank you soooo much. I kinda figured it was going to come down to him being just a friend but I had to see if anyone out there knew of some super position we could try. I'm going to give it one more chance when I see him next week and try what you said, I'm always up for a challenge.
  4. kurona

    kurona Member

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    Emma, you can keep him... as a friend, and still have sex with him and let him worship you. Besides, you really think he can easily just find anyone else to take your position in his life? I dont think so. You can get everything nice that he gives without putting a limit to yourself.
  5. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    why is it the spammers that have the worst spelling.
  6. EmmaB

    EmmaB Guest

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    That's true. He's had a pretty sheltered sex life so I really am having fun showing him some new things and I'm pretty sure he's having a good time too. He and I will have to talk about a more open arrangement. Hopefully he goes for it, he's a great guy but I'm still young and there's just something I need. Thanks for the advice!

    And I'm not to sure what was meant by the spammers not being able to spell...
  7. NikeGirl

    NikeGirl Member

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    If you bend over at the end of the bed while he remains standing, he should be able to get some penitration.
  8. Joshoa

    Joshoa Member

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    Doggy style would allow him to slam into you the best.

    Or reverse cow girl might work well for deep penetration and it would give you a lot of control.

  9. niceneasy

    niceneasy Member

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    Back Door man is even douchier looking than I imagined.
    I think anyone who talks that much trash isn't getting any either.
    Maybe he can get a job administering enemas and doing cleanup at porn shoots?

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