Please Help About Xanax + Thc?

Discussion in 'Paranoid?' started by trainmiddle, Apr 21, 2016.

  1. trainmiddle

    trainmiddle Members

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    Hey guys. I smoke weed for about 6 years. I always had a problem with Anxiety due to my ADHD(never really got along with ritalin and i don't take it for a long time)but nothing that bothered me that much now the attacks increased and when i feel really bad i take a 0,5 of alprazolam and in extreme cases i take 1mg. Smoking weed never had caused me anxiety attacks but recently i'm starting to get all paranoid and anxious and idk what to do. It is ok if i mix XANAX and WEED? and if so how should i take it?
  2. porkman420

    porkman420 Members

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    boof it
  3. Bud D

    Bud D Member

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    Benzo's can cause anxiety of you are dependent on them to not have anxiety. I'd meditate and learn to channel that energy. Try getting sober off of everything and maybe cannabis has nothing else to offer. Sometimes we just get too high and aren't the young kids toking that we used to be.
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  4. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    Mixing them is not going to make the Xanax more dangerous. But on its own Xanax can be vert addicting and dangerous. I know many people who use it recreationaly it's not like heroin addictive but the risk is still there.

    The anxiety when smoking is something that seems to happen to some people as they get older. Maybe try a different strain or take a tolerance break because I don't think it's a good habit to get into to depend on the benzo to make the high good.
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  5. xXKittyxCrusaderXx

    xXKittyxCrusaderXx Member

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    I know when I was on meds and smokes weed it made me parinoid and hallucinations occurred. It's because weed opens certain parts of your brain like the creative center and Xanax your taking to slow down your brain down both substances increase your heart rate. Your brain probably recognized the increased heart rate and sent out adrenaline in your body reacting the way it did and caused parinoia due to the adrenaline. It caused your body to think it was endanger. Increased thought of danger which could eventually lead to hallucinations so I would avoid doing one with the other. Otherwise you will continue to experience discomfort in your high state.
  6. His Eden

    His Eden Queen of Mean

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    I had issues with anxiety and being paranoid caused by specific marijuana strains. The xanax didn't affect me negatively when I needed it, but I am careful not to rely on it every time I feel a bit anxious (I consider why, and if it is situational, and I can leave or distract myself, I do that instead of using xanax, etc.) For me, certain strains would set off my anxiety and paranoia in BAD ways. As soon as I stopped using them, the horrible feelings they caused were gone. In my case Amsterdam Flame is number 1 on my stay away from list. A few kush strains also cause that uneasy feeling I am trying to get away from when I partake.

    As for ADHD, I've known many people who treated it with a cup of coffee or tea (no sugar), or dark chocolate covered espresso beans. My husband used to treat some of his unmedicated high school students (usually because parents took their meds to get high or sell) , and it worked well. They were thankful to have something to calm their minds, and someone who understood what they were dealing with. (It may not work for everyone, but it helped the students who had no other options due to their parents sabotaging their treatment).

    Good luck. With so many strain options available, I hope you find something that works well for you.

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