in the month that i've been veggie now... i've realized that the color of my shit is different... it's always lighter. (haha, this makes me laugh, im sorry) but i am being serious. is this a good thing? is there any reason?
Actually, it's not a dumb question, I've experienced the same... Hope I'm not being gross here... but usually light faeces is soft, and dark faeces is hard... Now, vegetarians get way more fibre than meat-eaters, because vegetables have a lot of fibre, and meat doesn't have any. Fibre softens your faeces... am I being clear enough? ;-)
ok my turn to be gross~~ LOL ~~ I just had my first colonic,,,, LOTS of dark (black) stuff came out. This was from the years of eating like crap and the fact that our colon & intestines always have old undigested matter in them. I recommend a colonic for anyone changing their diet. It really wasn't gross during the session ,,,,,,it was a "closed" system so you seen it in a tube for about 20 seconds & off it went to the sewer! LOL ~ I purposely did a laxitive the night before to make sure I was cleaned out,,and to see how much more the colonic cleaned out -OHMIGOSH! ALOT ! I felt 10 pounds lighter & really cleaned out & refreshed. Has anyone else done this?
yep ~ I enjoyed it ~ I felt great and it doesn't feel embarressing while doing it. It was a massage like room ,,music & candles & aroma therepy,,,, they massage your lower abdomon( sp) while you are cleansing~ it was great~
I've been interested in colon cleansing for a while. I know there are herbal pills you can take that are supposed to work really well at least that's what people that I have spoken with who have done it say. My question is this: Is a colonic better to do then internal herbal cleansing? I'd like to do what's more efficient. Anybody know?
I have done both ~ the pills take about 30 days ,,I did not get the same results. The colonic took 45 min and it was all out! And the replace the intestinal flora that is taken out as well.
If you poop a lot vegetables you will be healthy. Many people get sick from not pooping enough. If you eat flour and drink your food or eat food from a tin can than you will not poop enough. Eat a lot of apples too for good poop.
Ahh man. I only check out my shit when I think it was a pretty big one. I remembered I need to weigh myself to see if I'm becoming emaciated or something.
you'd be amazed what comes out once you start cleaning up!! its been ten years of bein veggie, and now all my shits are huge!!!!!!!!!! everyday sometimes twice a day.
I know I noticed a change when I went vegan. I go more often and my stools are lighter in color and much softer due to all of the fiber I eat. Its perfectly natural, dude, fear not.
I have been getting way into health and healing for a long time now. From what I understand healthy poop should float and should be somewhat light in color. Dark dark poop usually indicates liver problems. A person should poop once or twice a day and if your digestion and elimination is running properly it should be in the morning. The texture should be medium. Too hard means dehydration. Runny, of course, is not a good sign. Heh...anyways....