Winner with the most votes wins. Friday we use as our theme. Type the name out of the choices below you want. The one that is voted on the most by friday will be the winner. No avatar symbol Herpes Cats Fruits
i'd probably forget to anyway. but i thought we were picking for someone named friday. or for someone to adopt on friday. or something. wasn't quite clear what it was about really. cats were just only thing on the list that looked interesting.
Its just the day of the week. Ever have special things you do on that certain day of the week? Thats all this is. A special day for avatar change. Just one day. If it does not do well we wont do it anymore. just want to try something different for a change.
I reckon with lots of people on different days a theme week would go down better. I still like the idea.
i generally avoid doing things on days people associate with them. i'll eat eggs, for any meal OTHER THEN breakfast. same goes for pancakes and bacon. and fish, i love, on any day EXCEPT friday. i'm not a rebel for the sake of rebellion. its simply that mundane cleche's make the world a dull place. give me strangeness. give me lovely beautiful harmless non-threatening strangeness. but please, it is the conventional we should distrust. not that there's aren't SOME things that are good to always do and not do. those would soon become obvious without parents or books, to those who would have survived. of course a ritual might be in principal mostly harmless. there is no danger of my failing to keep myself harmless, but over the years of living, i've evolved away from what most of psychology (and religion) seems to consider basic human needs. not that i lack emotional needs. rather i find them more fulfilled alone, uninterrupted from thinking my own thoughts and dreaming my own dreams, then in the company of others, on more then rare occasions. just to explain, why i totally and honestly didn't "get" what this thread was about. still not entirely sure that i do.
levitation is a good theme for fridays. for those who have been carry the world on their sholders since monday.