Please be smart...

Discussion in 'Lesbian' started by Kama'aina, Sep 26, 2024.

  1. Kama'aina

    Kama'aina Members

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    ...about posting!

    I'm not telling most of you anything new, and Lesbians generally are pretty aware of dangers. But that doesn't apply to all.

    I know these forums are likely as benign as any can be, BUT any sex-related forums carry risk.

    From well-meaning guys who stomp all over your threads (nothing you don't already know) to guys who pretend to be Lesbians (nothing you don't already know) to...

    ...the potentially dangerous guys (and the occasional woman) that apparently some of you are clueless about, judging by your posts and profiles.

    Please review what information you give out, with attention to personal details. Try to think like someone who intends you harm. (I mean jeez, you're women AND Lesbians, you must know they're out there!)

    I just read a post from a woman who recently came out and is worried about a man who might try to harm her. In her profile was a link that included a shitload of personal info. I now know where she works, roughly where she lives, etc.

    Purge shit like that! Seriously.

    And when I ran classes on personal safety (often to groups of Lesbians) I would always recommend personal defense classes.

    And although this may make me anathema here, consider buying a gun. (Get trained, practice with it, and keep it in a safe. Modern safes secure the weapon but will pop open at the touch of your--and yours alone--fingerprints.)

    Be safe.
    Native Vee, KathyL and scratcho like this.
  2. KathyL

    KathyL Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    I definitely agree with being careful what you post. We moderators try to keep the forums as safe as possible, but we can't be everywhere or read every post.

    Any time you come across a post that is questionable, either because the member is doing or saying something creepy, or because the member is naively revealing too much about themselves, please feel free to use the Report button. We do our job better if we have your eyes and ears helping us. The Report button (down at the bottom of each post) is the best way to let us know of your concerns.
    Native Vee and Kama'aina like this.

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