Places you will never go to again

Discussion in 'Question of the Week!' started by Toker, Nov 21, 2023.

  1. Toker

    Toker Lifetime Supporter

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    Everyone has experienced places that they never want to return to again.

    Where don't you want to go and why?
  2. Constantine666

    Constantine666 Members

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    Places I Choose Never to return to:
    Mississippi: Yes, I am judging the whole state by the 4 southern MS counties I frequented in the year I lived there. First, because they allow Clergy to Break and Enter your private home with no consequences..Next I can't abide being preached to while I'm at work. In most other sates, Government employees are forbidden to try and proselytize while on the job. In MS it seem expected that they do. I was working a job for the federal government, state workers should have been forbidden to even look at what I was doing.

    Peru, Specifically Lima: Last time I was there, I was at a soccer game, and the losing team started a riot, and the stadium got set on fire, I almost died.

    Places I've never been, Want to go BUt probably never will:
    Japan: I've wanted to visit Japan for a long time. I am a sort of Japanophile. Most of the reason is financial, but also, the medications I take daily and endanger my life if i don't have them, are illegal in that country and can never be brought in under any circumstances according to the Japanese Consulate.

    ENgland, Ireland, Scotland, Italy, Greece, Transylvania: All due to Financial reasons.
    granite45 and Toker like this.
  3. granite45

    granite45 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Jackson, Mississippi….I was there in the late 80’s downtown. The stench of racism and segregation was still omnipresent. Downtown became a ghost town after 5 PM as whites fled to the suburbs.
    scratcho and Constantine666 like this.
  4. Constantine666

    Constantine666 Members

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    I lived in a small town about 30 miles south of Jackson for the year I was there. The local police and COunty sheriffs actually told me outright that they wouldn't arrest of prosecute any clergy unless the did violence. Breaking and Entering is not a crime for the church elders in MS.
    Toker likes this.
  5. M_Ranko

    M_Ranko Straight edge xXx

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    High school. So many mean people for no goddamn reason...
    Whirlwind83, Very Kinkey and skip like this.
  6. UK ,so many reasons. Let's just say one should always go forward never step back.

    RIJACO Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    2 places:
    1. Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia
    2. Colon, Panama
    Constantine666 likes this.
  8. Constantine666

    Constantine666 Members

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    At the risk of allowing my Geek to show. The only reason I can think of to ever go to Tunisia, is to visit the filming sites for Star Wars: Tattooine set. ;)
    princess peedge and kinulpture like this.

    RIJACO Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I'm a bit of a history buff and went to see the ruins - won't be going back!
    Constantine666 likes this.
  10. granite45

    granite45 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I too was working for a Federal agency in Jackson…putting on a one week training session. In that entire time in the Federal Building I never saw a single black professional employee in any agency. Custodians and clerical employees, sure. Stunning and horrifying and this was more than a decade since civil rights legislation had been passed. WTF?

    And about 10 years later I spent 10 days at an international conference in Kyoto and Shiga Prefecture. Wow….exotic.
    Constantine666 likes this.
  11. sureño

    sureño Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    USA. When I was there it was hell to go through the controls at the airport. Maybe because I'm Latin American. In addition, two policemen treated me like a terrorist because while I was taking photos, I took a picture of a school.
  12. Wolverine97

    Wolverine97 Members

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    Disney world. Before last year, the last time I went I was too young to even remember it. A friend asked me if I wanted to go. I thought, "why not?"

    Overpriced, way too many people, hellish lines, and Disney is an evil corporation. I will never spend another dollar on them EVER again.
    Piney and skip like this.
  13. Constantine666

    Constantine666 Members

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    Horrifying, really. Since I was there from 2008 to 2009. And I actually did see some Black employees, but there were service level, Janitorial, etc. I was working from Jackson, down the 55 all the way to Magnolia. It was the same in every county seat, or regional government office.

    I am quite Jealous of your trip to Japan. I have wanted to take place in a Tea Ceremony for years, I've also wanted to try the 88 temple pilgrimage on Shikoku. I know I would never make it allt he way, but I wanted to be able to say I at least tried.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2023
    granite45 likes this.
  14. Josephinelcajon

    Josephinelcajon Joseph

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    Too many to list here. This is a hard one to choose. I can say this. Most if not all bad times caused something very good to happen after that would not have occurred if I had not had the bad experience. Some of these good things were so great that I cherish their memories forever!
    Piney likes this.
  15. Kimmiescock

    Kimmiescock Members

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    Jail and an inlaw's house for holidays.
  16. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    North Carolina.





    New Zealand.


    Different reasons for all of the above, just my choices. Feel free to disagree :)
  17. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    New Zealand and Australia I'd go back to any day! Preferably NZ, but OZ to feel some warmth.
  18. kinulpture

    kinulpture Member

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    Missouri has its good & bad points. But Getting tiresome tho. Kinda stranded @moment. Allotta baggage. The physical kind. Moving would cost arm & leg. Altho rent increase may force a change of housing soon. Thinking of the ohio wabash tn & cumb rvrs area. Kinda gotten spoiled on missouri rec. Tho its hi taxed. & i hear ill rec tax is higher.
  19. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    The peak of Disney came in 1940, when after 7 years of hard work by a team of around 50 artists drawing gels for stop frame animation synced to an orchestral score that was performed by the Philadelphia orchestra conducted by Leopold Stokowski and introduced by Deems Taylor resulted in Fantasia.
    To this day, the film that I spent several months working on in the 1970's restoring the original aspect ratios and using the remains of the fantasound (the original sound media) to produce the original sound in a major London theatre, broke box office records for 6 months and can still be shown to capacity audience in the correct theatre.

    Today, a combination of computer animation, along with the decline of the cinema, has destroyed the companies true artistic genius, resulting in their productions making very little money.

    I agree with you, that their attempts to restore the company by outdated and poorly run amusement venues are a complete waste of money.
    They have considerable overheads, so I would not go as far as to call them a scam, but I can understand why you see them that way.
    scratcho, ~Zen~, Toker and 2 others like this.
  20. goatrope

    goatrope Members

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    Heathrow Airport. Three security guards carrying automatic rifles "interviewed" me with them thinking I was a member of the IRA or some other extremist group. After convincing them
    that I am not any of those things, they still needed to give me the "F____ing Yank" comment. That made my day.

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