Pithy Thoughts.

Discussion in 'Love and Sex' started by Jimbee68, Nov 27, 2022.

  1. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    No one is entitled to sex unconditionally. But everyone is entitled to their sexuality.
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  3. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    That's where consenting adults comes in too. That's why you're not supposed to have sex in public. Not because people are prudes. It's because children might be watching. No?
  4. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    It seems in today’s world there are endless levels of sexuality. It is individual and acceptance to be nonjudgmental is huge. It doesn’t mean you have to agree with it. Sex itself is a basic human right. It’s primal in the simplest form. Civilized people do control when and where it happens. History has also proved that religion is nothing more than brainwashing regarding sex.
    All that said, we are a lifestyle couple and have sex with other couples. We keep our sex with others very private.
    FacelessH likes this.
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  6. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I agree, and I am not a bigot either. Nor am I a homophob. We are constantly be bombasted by some new group sayings their sexuality or what they identify as, doesn’t have a voice. Sorry, this world is not equal. Never has been and never will be.
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  8. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    It is certainly a societal shift, influencing the very young, while their minds are still developing.
    That said, My wife and I are nudist and Lifestyler’s, and that decision was made between us. We don’t flaunt it, but if we are asked about it, we will be happy to answer any questions.
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  10. FacelessH

    FacelessH Members

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    are you uncomfortable with straight kissing scenes? if not, then whether you like it or not, that is homophobia. Doesn't make you a bad person by any means, but the fact that homosexual romance may be uncomfortable to you and heterosexual romance isn't, means you aren't quite as accepting as you may think.

    I'm not saying you can't feel this way, you can't control how you feel, and it's okay to be uncomfortable, but by definition of homophobia, you are kinda homophobic.

    I feel the same way about heterosexual kissing scenes, though I never figured out why to be frank. I know I'm heterophobic in that sense, though I really don't want to be.

    Only thing I disagree with, is that gay media shouldn't exist or should be restricted because of it. Heterosexual media has always and will always exist. Homosexual media shows the same level of romance, yet people think it shouldn't exist.

    Gay media won't make people gay, because you don't "become" gay. You just are gay. Same as how people just are straight.

    You've been very respectful and polite in this debate, and it is very appreciated as a gay person. Often, these kinds of conversations turn ugly very quickly, but I'm happy to see everyone here has remained civil and kind. ♡

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day, and remember, as long as you or your words don't hurt anyone, there's no harm in being who you are ♡
    Percyjackson1790 likes this.
  11. FacelessH

    FacelessH Members

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    While I agree the trans people are exactly who they identify as, it is very upsetting to hear that they would get angry at people with genital preferences.
    I personally am pansexual, as gender does not affect my view on someone romantically in any way, however, I am only attracted to male genitalia, and therefore typically just say I'm gay, to make things easier. I could happily be in a relationship with an AFAB person, but could never see myself having a sexual experience with one, or at least, i wouldn't be aroused while doing so.
    Percyjackson1790 likes this.
  12. ,..
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