I think it's amazing how people can skew other people's words. I read this article written by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd: http://www.salon.com/2014/05/01/pin...el/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=socialflow And then I read this one: http://observer.com/2013/12/the-anti-semitic-stench-of-pink-floyd/ They make him out to sound like a monster! I'm almost afraid to say what I think, because people are so quick to assume you're racist. Waters wants a nonviolent solution and for equal rights for everyone. How do you go from peace advocacy to anti-semite? I personally have no issues with Jews themselves. And it sounded to me in the article that Roger Waters wrote that neither does he.
You don't have to be a Jew To disapprove of murder Tears burn my eyes Moslem or Christian, Mullah or Pope Preacher or poet, who was it wrote Give any one species too much rope And they'll fuck it up.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyujU2ui8e0"]Roger Waters - Too Much Rope - YouTube
Happily Roger Waters gave his opinion, after all any succesful music artist is an expert on these matters (especially if they're from the 60's/70's)! But yes, opinions get skewed easily. Even if he would wish that the state of Israel was totally gone of the earth that wouldn't make him automatically an anti-semite.
I wrote a comment on the article and was quickly attacked by a few people calling me an anti-Semite as well. It's not a Jewish thing, it's a human thing. Everyone has a right to occupy space on this Earth without being discriminated against and murdered. Jews, Muslims, Christians, and everyone else. This is why I hate organized religion. All it does is separate us and give us more reason to have a superiority complex over others.
< heathen! anti Semite. And it's not a racial thing at all I have against them. I just had very bad experiences with them when I was younger. I will not be ashamed of my culture like they ask me to be. That second article was fantastic even though I will completely disregard the writers opinions. And that's just it isn't it? An opinion. Some people believe so strongly in their opinions that they forget that people of the earth all hold different values in their lives and not everyone is the same nor will they hold the same opinions. The writers article is an opinionated review on another's opinion. Bravo clap clap.
I had trouble reading past the part that said "the two surviving members of pink floyd" dave was a part of the band longer than roger was.
Indeed. True. David is my favorite member of the band. His vocals and guitar made Pink Floyd really shine. I wish he still did performances with them because that would make me cough up the money to buy tickets.
That's the popular trend in the consensus lately. I'm not convinced. Sure it does do that partially but really, would the people who do develop a superiority complex out of it not find another reason to feel superior over others if there would be any organized religion? It is SOME of the people who fuck religion up, not all or perhaps even most of them. The bad just gets more attention so if that's all you hear as one outside of religion it just seems all bad.
Maybe I'm a little biased but I've all all bad experiences with religious people. I'm not even exaggerating. People I know and have met can't just have faith without shoving it down everyone else's throats and/or being pretentious and acting like they're better than you. It really does push people away. While I agree that maybe people would come up with different reasons to feel superior, you have to admit that it's a little ridiculous that people are fighting over whose land it is because of a book written thousands of years ago. The land doesn't belong to anyone. It's ground. No one even has the sources or real historical records to show who lived there first.
That is unfortunate. Partly because they annoy people like you and me of course but also because they ruin it for the quit religious people who do not feel like shoving anything down anybodies throats. Fortunately I know there are plenty of them out there, but it is kind of sad sometimes how many people don't seem to see any of them (but do encounter those pretentious ones)... and the loud agitating people on both sides are all or mainly what we base our opinions on.
It is unfortunate. I don't want to be negative towards people if I find out they're religious or feel suspicious that they're going to start preaching to me. I admire people who can follow their religion without feeling like they have to justify it by trying to convert people or explain why they're more moral than others. Too many people condescend to me when they themselves are hypocrites. I have to admit I hate feeling this way but it's what I see most often. I used to try to find a label for my beliefs but long since gave up on that. I'd rather be judged by the way I act and not a set of beliefs I say I adhere to but don't necessarily follow.
Guess what, you don't have to I don't want to be that either but this is not utopia. Wether people are religious or not they will preach to you if they feel strong enough about something so I rather be suspicious if I think i recognize such a person and I am not in the mood for preaching. We don't have to radically act upon our suspicions right away but they can be handy.
What Israelis are doing to Palestinians isn't a religious issue like the media makes it out to be; it's a human rights issue, but any time someone, especially someone with celeb status like Roger Waters, exposes the Israelis for what they're doing, the media calls them anti-Semitic so that they'll back down & people that do not know the truth about what's going on jump in on the argument to defend Jews. It's sickening, but it's been going on for decades.
It's true what he's saying. The way Palestinians are treated in Israel it's like their treated as livestock. Spitting on them, having checkpoints all around the country, getting beaten without justification, getting killed even. I've seen videos of it and it sickens me this is happening on our sphere we call Earth. It's outright deplorable. Good for Roger for sticking up for the Palestinians, gonna listen to some pink floyd now.
Does this mean we can make it illegal to listen to Floyd now? Please,please,please, oh, come on please