Has anybody tried Colloidal Silver for Pink Eye? "a few drops in each eye, several times a day, of 5 ppm to 10 ppm colloidal silver." http://www.thesilveredge.com/eye_infections.shtml#.V30pD9QrLMo
interesting,aeri..i would like to test this..because i probably got an eye infection which any eye doctor describes as allergic... others said it's viral,bacterial...i'm wee bit confused...now this medicine you put here is probably not available in Europe... for the moment i use De-Icol,or Allergo Comod..or sometimes homeopatic eye drops like Euphrasia.. Tiger
Tiger, I found it on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Source-Naturals-Colloidal-Silver-Liquid/dp/B00014WDRI/ref=sr_1_9_s_it?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1469328224&sr=1-9&keywords=colloidal+silver&refinements=p_n_feature_keywords_browse-bin%3A7618311011%2C7618308011 It's fairly popular so most health food stores or pharmacies should have it. Just make sure it is 5 or 10ppm
sounds ok...silver is a great antibacterial taking too much turns you into a smurf though...i seen a story about a guy who turned blue because he overdid it (drank too much not putting too much in his eye) though a blue eye would be kind of interesting
https://www.purestcolloids.com/blue-man.php wait nvm...it was not the same silver turns out dude made his own and did it wrong we now return to normal programme
Interesting report back how this works. I got pink eye this winter. I think it was from having to take out a ripped contact with dirty hands while out and about. I read somewhere surfing helps. I live near the coast and surf often. Sure enough it helped flush everything out, but alas it was temporary. Had to get antibiotics.