Oh Em Eff Gee! I previously thought dark chocolate tim tams were the second best thing you could ever stick in your mouth That was until last night, when I tried these bad boys: A whole pack with a cup of coffee last night in less than 30 seconds seriously could not stuff them in fast enough. And Im not a fat pig, going to have to spend the lunch hour today jogging. The best thing about Australia now is Pina Colada Tim Tams
Oh, i didnt notice the virgin before on the packaging, virgin pina colada flavour Thats a little ironic
Damn you VG. Next time I go shopping I will have to try these. The Turkish delight ones were my favourite, unsure if they still make them though, I try not to look at the Tim Tams or lolly aisle when shopping.
Ohh, I haven't even tried the originals yet! Pina coldada is my shit tho! I hope they bring those to Wallyworld too...