I really need a new pillow. The one I am using now is almost completely flat. Why do I do this to myself? So how often does a pillow usually last you?
Seems like I go through a couple every year. Maybe 9 months? I think I have a heavy head. My wife just brought a fancy memory foam gel-cool pillow because we got it half price when we bought a mattress. We paid $45 but it was regularly $90. Killed me to pay that much for a pillow, but now that I've tried it once, I wish I had bought one for myself.
I just got a new pillow a few weeks ago. The pillow I had before that was 20+ years-old, believe it or not. lol
I invested in one of those tempurpedic pillows (and mattresses) a few years ago. Best money I have spent in a long fucking time.
I sleep with a lot of pillows on my bed, so since I'm never using the same one all the time, they last a while. The last round of pillows I had for almost two years.
I buy a new pillow every 6 months because I have a weird thing about sleeping on a lumpy pillow. It really grosses me out for some reason. As soon as I feel one lump that sucker is gone. I really want to get a memory foam pillow.
I can’t remember the last time I bought a pillow. Although I wash the pillowcases once a week and the liners at least once a month Hotwater
sometimes I use folded blankets as my pillow.. though that's usually because im sleeping in the living room... =/ I try to get new pillows every 6 months...try
i don't get a new pillow sooner than probably 3 or 4 years. i had a memory foam one, but we got new ones so that's my camping pillow now. i'm a fan of using two pillow cases on the pillow to keep it a bit cleaner. but my wife takes care of that typashit now. i doubt i'll ever buy a pillow again.
I keep a couple of extra for guests. My boyfriend ended up with some of my old pillows. He sleeps with like 4 pillows which is ridiculous. The rest just end up in the trash so I guess I'm not being a good environmentalist.
I bought two new pillows about a year ago. I sleep with 7 feather pillows on my bed and I have them dry cleaned twice a year. Most of them I have had for years as they were made for me by a friend so that they are extra firm, rather like a rock. The two new ones are softer and are on the top of the pile.
You know, I bought a couple $15 ones at Wal-Mart (lol, I sure shop there a lot, huh? Isn't much else around) and they're fabulous. So you don't have to get too pricey, but I bet the fancy ones you have probably seriously overshadow the ones I have. lol