physician assisted suicide poll.

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by verminous_plague, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. nanettetron

    nanettetron Member

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    I do not agree with physician Assisted sluicide or a person committing suicide on their own. God is good and I do think some people hate me enough to want to assist me
    in suicide and get paid for it. I do not agree with that . I am told I am a schizaphrenic
    and I have had some pretty rough medical psychie hospitalizations. I am not thankful
    for them and I do not believe I am schizaphrenic or retarded. I do not know why I try
    but only the God has helped me through the rough times. I am thankful for abortion because I do not get medical insurance. I love the LOrd in my own way and told I am
    of the devil. God bless me I want employment and a house and a car in 2013 and I
    want to blog. Please pray for me and my husband who is also a schizaphrenic.
    I am told I am retarded. Please bless me and love me. I am an ordained Minister
    and In my own way I love the Lord. No one wants to hear me preach to much
    so I write sermons.
    I believe God loves everyone and we are all children of the Universe in our own way
    Every lesbian, gay, schizaphrenic. successful entrepaneur business man
    Lover, friend, enemy . God bless the me and God bless the USA

    Lord love me and Lord love my husband Matt. May we blessed financially in 2013
    with 200,000 thousand dollars through work blogging so we can buy a house and a car and have some money for college and get on the right road to success.
    I also like to write song lyrics and I have 18 songs written .

    I do not want to be bad or of the devil and I do not believe I was born that away.
    Demons are no such thing. Everything is Godly of the LOrd Only
    the church people cast out devils.
    God is good all the time. and God loves me. I want to live, I want to live.
    I am not suicidal.
    Someone told me I was being put to death. that is not loveing.
    Love me.

    Nanette or church name Na Wang.
  2. vulpeszerda

    vulpeszerda Member

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    Absolutely yes I support it. When I first heard of Kevorkian when I was very young, I honestly, even at that age (I think around eleven or twelve maybe) found it so strange that this man was punished simply because he honoured the wishes of his dying patients that wanted to ensure they went out properly without the risk of mucking it up sitting in their bathroom.

    If I had some sort of degenerative disease, for example if I had to like my life like Stephen Hawking, I would not want to live. While it might sound an extreme example, it honestly isn't and those are the types of illnesses these people usually have. I would find a place where PAS was legal and I would exercise my right as a person and have control over the last thing that will happen to me and everyone else. I have no desire to wither away and having everything I am passionate about suddenly be things I cannot do because I can't even move.

    I sincerely do not understand a single argument against PAS. The only one with any actual thought behind it, maybe, is the controvery over the actual process of determining eligibility. We are intelligent enough to know that doctors wouldn't just assist a person in dying because he or she was depressed and overeats. Screenings are done. Anyone against this, please at least watch a documetary about Dr. Kevorkian. Maybe it won't change your mind at all, but just maybe it will.
  3. verminous_plague

    verminous_plague Banned

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    so far the majority agrees that physician assisted is no big deal and actually humane. i agree with that consensus too :)
  4. verminous_plague

    verminous_plague Banned

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    how do i delete a comment LOL i'm a noob :(
  5. Eavesdrop

    Eavesdrop Member

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    they won't let u delete comments here. double post is no big deal
  6. Driftwood Gypsy

    Driftwood Gypsy Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Hospice does what is known as "Palliative Care". The focus goes from keeping the person alive to giving them comfort. They aren't killing them but they're not going to great lengths to keep them alive. It's more about pain management, spiritual, emotional and mental support, comfort.
    Hospice assists the patient in their final hours, they comfort and assist the family as well, some Hospice companies even go so far as to provide grocery shopping, rides, etc. for the family.
    Hospice workers are some of the kindest people I've ever met.
  7. Driftwood Gypsy

    Driftwood Gypsy Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Not everyone believes the same as you. Don't shove your personal beliefs down other peoples throats.

    I think everyone has the right to do what they want with their lives, including choosing when to end it.
  8. Burberry

    Burberry Member

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    1"]Euthanasia at the Water Cooler - YouTube
  9. outthere2

    outthere2 Senior Member

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    Yes. It's her life and her choice. A waiting period of six months would be appropriate before the doctor administers the drugs.

    Why should free people not be free to end their own lives with certainty?
  10. BuryMeInSmoke

    BuryMeInSmoke Member

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    Yes. Whether you choose to live or not is up to you. People who are terminally ill and are in a great deal of pain should have this option. Who wants to live their final days/years in agony anyway? There's nothing immoral about it if that is what you choose.

    I also find it ridiculous that suicide is illegal. Life isn't for everyone, you know. Not like that law has ever stopped anybody but still.
  11. Burberry

    Burberry Member

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    Suicide is legal. People can kill themselves if they want to. Assisting someone else's suicide is against the law. What we're talking about is changing the law to make it legal for one group of people DOCTORS to kill another group of people PATIENTS.
  12. Aemilius

    Aemilius Member

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    verminous_plague "people don't have access to the drugs and means of doing it properly, pain free and quickly. anyone can jump off a bridge sure but not everyone can get access to barbiturates or cyanide. you see what i mean? and having a doctor ok it would look more humane and reasonable as it should be anyway, i mean the whole hanging oneself or blowing ones head off with a shotgun is so old fashioned and outdated, can't we get a new age more humane and easy way of doing it? i think so."

    I think that really sums up the whole stereotype. Most people seem to think it's either a choice between a mind bending drug overdose, shotgun, hanging or jumping off a bridge.... or the more clinical laying in a hospital bed with a group of very somber people in white coats standing around filling out forms and shooting little nondescript droplets of fluid into the air to make sure there are no air bubbles in the syringe. Neither of those really sounds all that appealing.

    I suppose though if one were completely incapacited or paralyzed and suffering from chronic pain physician assisted suicide (and maybe even the other methods too) may start to look desirable.... so I would be for it.

    There are better ways to go....

    No mind altering drugs, no shotgun blast, no rope suddenly tightening around your throat, no terrifying bridge leap and no distracting clinicians or painful needles.

    Ideally (in my case anyway), it would consist of something akin to a final camping trip, maybe a week or two, with a little good bud, some fine wine or scotch, a little reminiscing (actually a lot) and then, when good and ready.... just calmly, peacefully and painlessly drifting off to sleep.... forever.

    I'd rather just have a heart attack really, but if I ever get a terminal illness and it reaches a point where I can see the end coming that would be my plan.

    When it comes to nitrogen even a family member or trusted friend can administer the gas without worrying too much about the legality of it since most of what we breath is nitrogen. As long as everything is removed afterwords (the cannister, face mask, etc.) there's no actual way to determine the cause of death.... there's no "smoking gun".
  13. outthere2

    outthere2 Senior Member

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    Yes but not with the certianty of an assisting physician. Sometimes the job gets botched and death does not occur, then they live with brain damage or other effects of a botched suicide.

    Currently yes.

    I don't understand it that way. The way I see it, physician assisted suicide is a doctor legally prescribing the lethal dose (which is illegal now). The patient would (under her/his own free will), administer it to her/him self.
  14. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    actually i would word it a bit differently

    we are talking about changing the laws so that a doctor can legally assist a patient to commit suicide in a proper (and humane) manner.. with their permission.
  15. lode

    lode Banned

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    What about removal of the heart?

    Or exploding to smithereens?

    Gorilla fight club?
  16. Burberry

    Burberry Member

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    I think in an ideal world I would agree. In ours, alas, I'm a bit too much of a cynical Marxist to support its legalization. It's sort of like how it would be easy to be pro-life if every child was a wanted child.
  17. JoanofSnarc

    JoanofSnarc Member

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    Yes. I'm in favor of physician assisted suicide. As with do not resuscitate orders, these things could be specified in a living will in the event that a person isn't coherent enough to make clear such intent and could be a necessary condition for having it done to remove the decision from anyone other than the person in question. Doctors should never be forced to perform euthanasia if they find it objectionable. I work in a cancer hospital (not clinical) but with the physicians who try to treat and when inevitable, help people to be as comfortable as possible (it's not legal where I live) and I suspect that many doctors would choose to assist a patient in this way rather than see them suffer horribly. There are some kinds of pain that are very difficult to manage and many, many cancer patients die in terrible agony. It is another kind of agony for the family members present and I can say from experience, it's not a mental image and memory that fades quickly.
  18. outthere2

    outthere2 Senior Member

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    I don't want to die in yet another human institution -the hospital. Having to ask a nurse to clean my poop...

    Can I get up? No, lay down...

    My every desire being controlled...

    I'd rather die with some dignity at a time of my own choosing.

    Are we not free?
  19. Driftwood Gypsy

    Driftwood Gypsy Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    as someone who works in the very field you speak of, I completely agree with you. I see it first hand and I never want to live like that, it's not really living.
  20. outthere2

    outthere2 Senior Member

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    Give me physician assisted suicide or give me death!

    No really, I couldn't agree more with you, ThePoetSappho:

    And as usual, Joan is as the English say "spot-on:"

    The only thing that keeps PAS illegal is stale and stubborn paradigms.

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