Phrases that make you think of spanking

Discussion in 'Spanking' started by Females_over_males, Jun 6, 2019.

  1. Females_over_males

    Females_over_males Beware of Dionnah's Paddle!!

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    One of my clients told me the other day that a Female once told him that she was about to whip his butt. He said that he was erect within seconds. And he wasn't kidding, I've seen his member (in sessions, of course). He gets erect very easily. But, I digress, LOL. Anyway, he said that while he wasn't sure if she meant she would spank him, that's what he pictured when she said she would whip his butt. I've had other clients tell me similar things. Like how Females will say certain phrases to them that may or may not mean spanking. But the guys picture it as being spanked and it turns them on. Some others were, "Am I going to have to smack you?", "I will put a beating on you", "your ass is mine", "I want to get back at you...really punish you for what you did". Of course, it goes without saying that my clients are into being spanked, LOL. But it is interesting how these phrases bring about images of being spanked.
  2. bunnygirl

    bunnygirl available in taiwan

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    when my boyfriend comes home and says "were you a good girl today?" while fiddling with his belt buckle I know he is going to find reason to march me into bedroom for a lesson in bad behavior consequences.
    Softwhispers, Maximillian1 and Kinkey like this.
  3. Females_over_males

    Females_over_males Beware of Dionnah's Paddle!!

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    That's a good one too. I will say to my clients "what am I going to do with you, young man?" followed by me removing their own belt to use on them. As I undo their belt buckle, I look them in the eyes and then they know that a very sound whipping to their bare bottom is coming, with their own belt, no less.
    Sambone and Kinkey like this.
  4. Jenny9595

    Jenny9595 Members

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    A couple of times now, when I’ve been cheeky, my boyfriends whispered in my ear, “Wait til I get you home!”

    Always sends me into sexy meltdown, and the spanking I get later is so much fun as it feels like I’ve been naughty for real.

    A powerful phrase!
  5. Females_over_males

    Females_over_males Beware of Dionnah's Paddle!!

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    One of my clients says that the word revenge makes him think of spanking. It’s because he was spanked in revenge for something he had done
    Sambone and Jenny9595 like this.
  6. Females_over_males

    Females_over_males Beware of Dionnah's Paddle!!

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    I have one client who I spank for telling blonde jokes. Then I will have a few “jokes” that I tell him. I’ll say “what has a red butt and is standing in a corner crying? A man who has told too many blonde jokes!”
    NubbinsUp, Mysteron and Jenny9595 like this.
  7. Females_over_males

    Females_over_males Beware of Dionnah's Paddle!!

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    Tan is another spanking phrase. I have a client who loves for me to say "I'm going to tan your bottom young man" before I spank him
    Otknow4me and Blistered Youth like this.
  8. MasseurNaturel

    MasseurNaturel Members

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    A few phrases said to me are:
    You ought to be punished for dressing like that.
    You know the consequences if you don't do what I want.
    You're just asking for trouble aren't you.
    Females_over_males likes this.
  9. subrickguy

    subrickguy Members

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    Being spanked with a belt hurts like hell. It feels so good when it's all over. However, being able to sit for awhile is a problem.
  10. subrickguy

    subrickguy Members

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    like to see how much I can get away with.
    I like a strong woman.
    Females_over_males likes this.
  11. undefeated41

    undefeated41 Members

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    Whats the point of spanking ? Never understood why guys are into this..but hey whatever floats your boat
  12. Females_over_males

    Females_over_males Beware of Dionnah's Paddle!!

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    Then why comment on it?
    Linzee R, Kinkey and Captain Scarlet like this.
  13. undefeated41

    undefeated41 Members

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    Well i find that on many different topics people usually give their input on a subject. Whether they are into something or not . So thought i would also. I know guys love it. I am curious as to why..but hey to each their own
  14. NubbinsUp

    NubbinsUp Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    It's a common form of masochism that usually has both physical and emotional components. It's simple and not difficult to understand, even if it does nothing for you personally. If the concepts of dominance, submission, power exchange, sadism, and masochism being sexualized among consenting adults are truly difficult for you to understand, unless you personally experience it, you very likely lack empathy as a person.

    If you want to understand it further, there are many sources of clinical information on masochism. Google "masochism," and don't watch the porn videos that are listed. Read the psychology texts. In excess, it's a problem, just as drinking too much water can kill a person, and betting your entire paycheck every two weeks can ruin a family's finances. In moderation and with consent, it's fully within the range of normal human expression. It's more like a sip of water or buying a single lottery ticket. It doesn't do any lasting damage, and may do you some good.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2020
  15. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    Having studied the subject there are a few reasons with some of these scientific, but most of these do apply equally to either gender being on the receiving end .

    1)It releases endorphins into the body and especially the brain. Basically it has similar effects to some drugs .
    2) It has proven to release stress levels
    3) Its a way of relinquishing power to another person which is true of most BDSM activities
    4) There can be a sense of anticipation between each stroke /swat
    5) Particular high powered men and I dare say some women wish to relinquish their power as they see it as a turn on.
    6) It can bring back some memories of Corporal Punishment say in a private school and perhaps they want it again ,

    There are many more and in no way this is a complete list.
  16. undefeated41

    undefeated41 Members

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    That is quite a list alredy
    Mysteron likes this.
  17. Sunshine S

    Sunshine S Newbie

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    I'm gonna tan your hide
    Your in for a good hiding
    Your ass is mine when I get you home
    and so many more...
    Females_over_males likes this.
  18. squirrely1

    squirrely1 Newbie

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    The phrase I hear is, "Excuse me? What did you say, Young man?" Then I know sitting will be very uncomfortable for a while.
  19. Blistered Youth

    Blistered Youth Newbie

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    I once lived with a couple where the lady was very much into spanking. I messed up and she tried to grab me to put over her knee but I kept talking my way out of that spanking. The reminders I got. You need your butt paddled. In the morning she’d say ready for your spanking. Those were her two favorite phrases and in those days I was terrified of bare bottom spankings because those ladies spanked so hard and long it took 3 weeks for the last scab to come off my bottom . I was wrong though and should have let her because this would have been at least a spanking 2-3 times a week.
  20. dkcurious

    dkcurious Senior Member

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    "Don't make me put you on punishment," Always brings a smile to my face.

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