MSN Already, we have all the parts to make photonic chips, which can easily be made with as few as 14,000 optical transistors, and connected to ordinary electronic circuitry, and can even access terahertz networks, for enormous wireless bandwidths. Somebody just figured out a way to print your own optical processor, in minutes, in a way that can even be erased and modified. This is a cheap fast method, the size of a bread box or desktop printer, and is really meant for the engineers to use, but it means optical chips will prove to be so much cheaper to manufacture than silicon, and so superior, they'll eventually all but replace the medium. Instead of silicon for electricity, what you want is something more like the MX2 topological circuitry, spintronics, or whatever. But, for now, we have silicon, and the phase change materials they're using for these chips. There's no reason whatsoever to keep making chips with billions of silicon transistors, and conventional electronic chips are about to be reduced to the bargain bin. Theoretically, they could cut the cost of current chips in half, but it still can't compete with optical circuitry like this, which is an amazing one step does the trick. For their part, Intel is moving into quantum chips, but optical chips like these can leverage all kinds of quantum mechanics as well.
We could theoretically rewire the entire planet, wirelessly, for power and communications, running on the same system. Star Trek is only the future, because we're still in Frankenstein's lab. War always produces faster progress, because they censor everything in between wars. Now the technology itself is taking on a life and a will of its own, and showing the Three Stooges how its done. Memory and thought come together, in parallel processing where you can trade one for the other, which is what our brains do, that other animals don't. Think of a giant puzzle, more complex than anyone will ever able to assemble, reflecting our own mortal fallibility. If you want to see the big picture, you have to shuffle a lot of pieces around first. Time being nonlinear, is where magic and technology meet in quantum mechanics. Theoretically, there should be four modes where photons become indistinguishable from Fermions, which produce Bosons, or ordinary matter. Using a recursive multifractal design, they could produce a giant Singularity, capable of entangling the entire planet. People have tried meditating online, but I give them the linguistic mathematics that can be automated. Think of the Three Stooges, and Plato's Allegory of the Cave. The cave only exists, because its part of the Big Picture.
I thought PIC's were only tested transmitting over Fiber Optics? Isn't there a danger in wirelessly transmitting high frequency RF? Like interfering with existing infrastructures? (Air Traffic, Emergency Communications,etc.)
NYC already has plans to install their own terahertz network, but it is definitely new technology. They're optical, so you can even use quantum encryption, think of an invisible light bulb, that will shine right through walls. About a shoe box sized device could be used to peek inside any house, a cellphone device could look through your cloths from across the street. Its just below infrared. Theoretically, its also possible to use quantum teleporation, and have a giant power plant teleport energy and information, right to your fridge or whatever.